Eczema treatment: Baby’s painful sores improved after using this high-street cream

ECZEMA is a condition that causes itchy, red, dry and cracked skin, but while experts recommend emollients and topical corticosteroids to treat it, these don’t always work for everyone. One baby’s skin appeared to clear up after using a certain high street cream.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Eczema: NHS GP explains symptoms of skin condition

Eczema was a severe problem for Nikki Sinclair’s youngest son, Jake, now 2, causing him pain and leaving unable to sleep with open bleeding wounds. Struggling to stop her son from scratching, which resulted in painful sores, Nikki desperately searched for the best form of relief. She started visiting the doctors when he first showed signs of eczema at just a few months old.

Eczema was a severe problem for Nikki Sinclair’s youngest son, causing him pain and leaving unable to sleep with open bleeding wound

“It was distressing to see him suffer,” said Nikki from Scotland.

“We went to see the doctors and were prescribed emollients and steroids. We tried several different creams but they didn’t seem to work”

The eczema started to affect her son day to day as he couldn’t be left with his hands uncovered in case he were to scratch.

Although a frustration for Nikki, the daytime was not so much of a problem, it was throughout the night when the scratching would result in sleepless nights and blood stained sheets.

“He would wake up scratching his entire body, especially behind his knees, his face and the inside of his arms. It was difficult to manage,” she said.

“We started to cover him head to toe with scratch mitts at night as well as full body suits to keep him covered, just so we could all get some sleep.”

Eczema cream: Baby boy’s rash on face ‘really improved’ using this skin treatment

Eczema cream: Jake Sinclair's rash (Image: NIKKI SINCLAIR)

The family also overhauled their diet but nothing helped.

A lady from the local chemist recommended they try a natural cream, and it’s in this Nikki found relief.

The cream recommended to her was MooGoo Irritable Skin Balm.

“After a few weeks of using MooGoo Jake's eczema really improved,” she said.

“We are over the moon and can finally get some rest.”

Eczema cream: Baby boy’s rash on face ‘really improved’ using this skin treatment

Eczema cream: Nikki tried emollients and steroids but found these didn't work (Image: NIKKI SINCLAIR)

Eczema cream: Baby boy’s rash on face ‘really improved’ using this skin treatment

Eczema cream: In the end, high street cream MooGoo proved to be an effective treatment (Image: NIKKI SINCLAIR)

Among the cream’s ingredients is aloe vera.

According to a 2015 systematic review study, aloe vera has the following properties that may help with the symptoms of eczema - antioxidant, antimicrobial, immune-boosting and wound-healing.

Craig Jones, founder of MooGoo, noticed back in 2005 that his mother was using a white paste made for cow udders to manage her skin condition.

Even though the product did work, it was really thick and difficult to apply, so the then Air Force pilot decided to reformulate the cream.

MooGoo is available from pharmacies, Whole Foods Market and

An oil-based treatment has also been proven to reduce inflammation and repair skin.

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