Bloating stomach: Five easy changes you can make to stop a bloated belly

BLOATING is a common problem that usually occurs after eating a big meal or eating foods that are difficult to digest. If you’re tired of experiencing an uncomfortable bloated belly triggered by food, there are some simple diet and lifestyle changes you can make.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Stomach bloating: Dr. Oz advises on how to 'beat the bloat'

Bloating is when your tummy feels stretched and puffy, and the usual culprits include fizzy drinks, foods that cause wind because they’re difficult to digest such as beans, onions, broccoli and cabbage, and swallowing air. If bloating occurs frequently you should get checked out by your doctor to rule out anything more serious. But if your bloating is linked to eating bloat-inducing foods or lifestyle factors such as swallowing air, there are some simple changes you can make to help the problem. David Wiener, Nutrition Specialist from leading fitness app Freeletics  has five ways to say bye-bye to a bloated belly.

If your bloating is linked to eating bloat-inducing foods or lifestyle factors such as swallowing air, there are some simple changes you can make

Eat little and often

We live our lives at a hectic pace and that takes its toll on the gut, says David.

He explained: “If you’re skipping lunch because you’re too busy to eat, you’re likely to overeat at dinner. That puts pressure on your digestive system, causing bloating, wind and even diarrhoea.

“Swerve bloating by eating small meals across the day, which avoids overloading your gut. Eating little and often will also keep your energy levels up, an added bonus.”

Keep well hydrated

It might seem counterintuitive but drinking plenty of water can help reduce the chance of water retention and subsequent stomach discomfort.

David warned: “If you don’t drink enough, your body will hold onto fluid as it thinks there’s a shortage. Keeping hydrated supports your kidneys, so they are better able to regulate your body’s fluid levels.”

Bloating stomach: Five easy diet and lifestyle changes to stop a bloated belly

Bloating stomach: There are simple diet and lifestyle changes you can make to stop a bloated belly (Image: GETTY)

Slow down

If you’re always in a hurry, you’re more than likely to be wolfing down your meal.

Unfortunately, that means you’re also taking big gulps of air – straight down into your stomach which can result in painful bloating, said David.

He advised: “Eating mindfully means you’re also likely eat less, another way to keep stomach distention under control.”

Go herbal

Many herbal teas such as peppermint and ginger have a carminative effect on the digestive tract, according to David.

Bloating stomach: Five easy diet and lifestyle changes to stop a bloated belly

Bloating stomach: Staying hydrated can also keep a bloated tummy at bay (Image: GETTY)

Bloating stomach: Five easy diet and lifestyle changes to stop a bloated belly

Bloating stomach: Cardio exercises are also considered essential in stopping bloating (Image: GETTY)

He said: “Fennel is particularly effective for bloating. Try soaking a teaspoon of fennel seeds in hot water and drink as a tea after eating, or chew on the fennel seeds themselves.”


Cardio exercises are essential in the fight against abdominal bloating because they help gas to pass through the digestive system, said David.

He advised: “Just 10 minutes of cardio exercise each day can make all the difference.

“Some of the best cardio exercises to try including swimming, jogging, and cycling.”

Eating the right fibre and cutting down on salt are some more tips David recmmends to stop bloating happening

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