Simon Gregson health: Coronation Street star’s ‘awful’ and ‘hidden’ condition - symptoms

SIMON GREGSON is best known for his portrayal of Steve McDonald on ITV soap opera Coronation Street. While his fans have got to know his character well over the last 30 years, it was only recently Simon revealed to them that off-screen he’s been battling with a “hidden” health condition.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Coronation Street actor Simon Gregson talks about Steve McDonald s depression

Simon Gregson, 44, joined the cast of ITV’s Coronation Street in 1989. Across his acting career he’s received 17 awards for comedy and performance, plus a Legends of Industry Award. But the actor’s road to success hasn’t always been easy. Just last week, Simon opened up about his battle with anxiety, which he described as “awful”. Taking to Twitter he said a mix of therapy and medication helped him get by, and that others would be surprised by how many people suffer with the same condition.

It’s a hidden, awful emotion but it’s treatable and manageable with the right help

Simon Gregson

He said: “It’s a hidden, awful emotion but it’s treatable and manageable with the right help.

“Tablets work different for different people, mine worked with therapy.

“You need to find the right one for you. Life is complicated, enjoy, embrace and love each other.”

While many fans may have been surprised to hear this, it wasn’t actually the first time Simon has opened up about his mental health.

Back in 2015, the star was signed off work for an undisclosed illness, which he later revealed was depression.

Two years ago he revealed he was the happiest he’s ever been.

Simon Gregson health: Coronation Street star’s ‘awful’ and ‘hidden’ condition - symptoms

Simon Gregson health: The Coronation Street star revealed his ‘awful’ and ‘hidden’ condition (Image: GETTY)

He said at the time: “I had to pinch myself the other day - a beautiful wife and three beautiful kids who are hilarious.”

Symptoms of anxiety disorder

The NHS says you may have anxiety if:

  • Your worrying is uncontrollable and causes distress
  • Your worrying affects your daily life, including school, your job and Your social life
  • You cannot let go of your worries
  • You worry about all sorts of things, such as your job or health, and minor concerns, such as household chores

Simon Gregson health: Coronation Street star’s ‘awful’ and ‘hidden’ condition - symptoms

Simon Gregson health: The star opened up about his battle with anxiety (Image: GETTY)

Simon Gregson health: Coronation Street star’s ‘awful’ and ‘hidden’ condition - symptoms

Simon Gregson health: Two years ago he revealed he was the happiest he's ever been (Image: GETTY)

Symptoms of depression

The symptoms of depression can be complex and differ from person to person, according to the NHS. It lists psychological, physical and social symptoms.

Psychological symptoms of depression can include: continuous low mood or sadness, feeling hopeless and helpless, having low self-esteem, feeling tearful, feeling guilt-ridden, feeling irritable and intolerant of others, having no motivation or interest in things, finding it difficult to make decisions, not getting nay enjoyment out of life, feeling anxious or worried, having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself.

Physical symptoms can include: moving or speaking more slowly than usual, changed in appetite or weight, constipation, unexplained aches and pains, lack of energy, low sex drive, changes to your menstrual cycle, disturbed sleep.

Social symptoms can include: not dong well at work, avoiding contact with friends and taking part in fewer social activities, neglecting your hobbies and interests, having difficulties in your home and family life.

If you think you have depression or anxiety you should see your GP.

Another Coronation Street star who has a hidden health condition is Robert Mallard

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