Best weight loss supplements: The plant-based supplement proven to burn fat

BEST weight loss supplements: Losing weight may be at the forefront of many people’s minds with the arrival of summer and everyone wanting to look their best. Shedding pounds can also have a positive impact on a person’s health, especially if they’re overweight. Alongside eating a healthy diet and exercise, taking a certain supplement could prove effective.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Five weight loss benefits from drinking green tea

Weight loss is best achieved through eating a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise. For people who are overweight, losing weight can be beneficial to their health, slashing the risk of serious conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. But alongside diet and exercise, some experts have found another weight loss aid - supplements. One supplement which has proven particularly effective at helping people lose weight is green tea extract.

A number of studies have shown green tea extract can help aid weight loss because the main antioxidant found in it, EGCG

A number of studies have shown green tea extract can help aid weight loss because the main antioxidant found in it, EGCG, can aid fat burning.

One study showed green tea extract can increase the activity of norepinephrine, a hormone that helps people burn fat. 

Many human studies have also shown green tea extract can increase fat burning and cause fat loss, particularly in the belly area. 

Green tea, like all types of tea, comes from the camellia sinensis plant.

What differentiates it from different types of tea, like black, oolong and white, is the way it’s processed.

Holland & Barrett explains: “Black tea is made from fermented leaves, so they are cut and then exposed to oxygen. Whereas green tea leaves are steamed or roasted to prevent oxidation, meaning they keep their green colour and fresh flavour.

Best weight loss supplements: The plant-based capsules proven to burn fat

Best weight loss supplements: A certain plant-based supplement has been proven to burn fat (Image: GETTY)

“This process also preserves the tea’s powerful antioxidants, particularly a compound called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).”

Alongside weight loss, green tea has been found to help fight wrinkles, to remedy allergies, to keep the heart healthy and to give the brain a boost.

If you’ve tried and failed to lose weight through diet and exercise, a visit to your GP could help.

The NHS advises your GP or practice nurse can:

  • Assess your general health
  • Help identify the cause of your weight gain
  • Work out if there are any health issues causing you to put on weight
  • Discuss a plan to help you lose weight that suits you

Best weight loss supplements: The plant-based capsules proven to burn fat

Best weight loss supplements: Green tea's EGCG content is what's thought to be beneficial (Image: GETTY)

Best weight loss supplements: The plant-based capsules proven to burn fat

Best weight loss supplements: Apple cider vinegar has also been found to aid weight loss (Image: GETTY)

Another supplement which has been found to help aid weight loss is apple cider vinegar

Available as a liquid to add in drinks and in supplement form, apple cider vinegar has been found to both reduce weight loss and appetite.

A study published in 2018 looked at people who were actively trying to lose weight.

The research published in Journal of Functional Foods found dieters who had 1.5 tablespoons a day of apple cider vinegar lost more weight than those who only followed the diet.

Researchers concluded apple cider vinegar may aid weight loss by helping to reduce appetite - its acetic acid content has been shown to reduce the absorption of starches in food and slow digestion, which in turn can help keep you fuller for longer.

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