Coronavirus symptoms: Five skin conditions which could be linked to the COVID-19 virus

CORONAVIRUS symptoms have been recognised in the UK as a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss of taste and smell. But according to a number of studies, the symptoms don't end there. A study carried out in Spain found five skin conditions can be linked to the COVID-19 virus.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Coronavirus symptoms: Loss of taste and smell added to list

Coronavirus symptoms may affect other parts of the body, the study published in the British Journal of Dermatology suggested. Spanish dermatologists in the the Spanish Academy of Dermatology were asked to help identify patients who had an unexplained skin “eruption” on their skin and those who had suspected or confirmed coronavirus.

Patients were given a standardised questionnaire and photos were taken of skin conditions.

While the British Association of Dermatologists have urged people not to self diagnose coronavirus based on skin symptoms, key types of skin changes were found in a number of patients.

Vesicular eruptions

One was vesicular eruptions, characterised by itchy blisters.

In the study the condition was found in 9 percent of cases, with outbreaks lasting an average of 10.4 days.

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Coronavirus symptoms: Five skin conditions which could be linked to the COVID-19 virus

Coronavirus symptoms: Five skin conditions were linked to the COVID-19 virus in a study (Image: GETTY)

The vesicular eruptions also commonly appeared prior to other symptoms and were linked to an intermediate severity of the disease.

Urticarial lesions

Another was urticarial lesions - pink or white raised areas of skin resembling a nettle rash.

Also known as wheals, urticarial lesions are usually itchy and can be spread across the body.

In some cases they may also spread to the palms of hands.


The study found 19 percent of cases had urticarial lesions.


Maculopapules was found in 47 percent of cases.

These are characterised by bumps which are either raised or flat areas of skin similar to pityriasis, Lucy Xu, lead skin specialist and founder of London premier Laser Skin Clinics told Good To Know.

While urticarial injuries lasted an average 6.8 days, maculopapules lasted a couple more.

Coronavirus symptoms: Five skin conditions which could be linked to the COVID-19 virus

Coronavirus symptoms: Vesicular eruptions look similar to chicken pox (Image: GETTY)


Livedo was found in 6 percent of cases and appeared to be linked to older patients experiencing severe cases of COVID-19.

Livedo is a skin condition caused by small blood clots that develop inside the blood vessels of the skin, advises the NHS.

It adds: “It causes the skin to take on a blotchy red or blue appearance. Some people also develop ulcers (sores) and nodules (bumps).

“These symptoms are often more severe in cold weather.”

Coronavirus symptoms: Five skin conditions which could be linked to the COVID-19 virus

Coronavirus symptoms:Urticarial lesions resemble a nettle rash (Image: GETTY)


The study identified chilblain-like symptoms in 19 percent of cases.

Chilblains are small, itchy, red patches that can appear after a person’s been in the cold.

They mostly appear on the fingers and toes but can appear on the face and legs too.

If you experience any of these conditions you should consult a doctor before diagnosing yourself with COVID-19.

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