Hair loss treatment: The essential oil shown to help hair grow thicker and faster

HAIR loss is a common occurrence in people as they get older. While it usually isn't anything to worry about, some people will do whatever they can to retain their full head of hair. There's no sure cure for hair loss, but a certain essential oil has been shown to help boost hair growth.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Hair loss can be upsetting for many people, but as long as it isn’t a sign of a medical condition, there are things you can try if your hair loss is causing you distress. Over the last few years, lavender essential oil has gained attention for stimulating hair growth.

Lavender oil is made directly from the lavender plant and has been linked to a host of health benefits.

Alongside pain relief, better sleep and improved blood circulation, some studies have suggested lavender oil could help promote hair growth.

A study carried out in 2016 found lavender oil applied to mice made them grow more hair. 

Their hair also grew thicker and faster than normal.

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Hair loss treatment: The essential oil shown to help hair grow thicker and faster

Hair loss treatment: A certain essential oil could help hair grow thicker and faster (Image: GETTY)

The benefit was found to be more effective when the oil worked itself into the skin.

Lavender oil may also benefit hair with its antimicrobial properties.

When it was applied to hair or the scalp in a 2014 review, it showed potential for preventing common hair or scalp issues, in particular an itchy scalp and dandruff. 

Lavender oil may even go as far to prevent or kill head lice.


In a 2011 study, lavender essential oil demonstrated this. 

The study tested lavender with another essential oil, tea tree oil, and showed using lavender oil could possibly reduce the risk of getting lice.

It was shown to be even more successful with the use of tea tree oil.

While more studies are needed to substantiate the claims lavender oil can help with hair growth, particularly in humans, people can safely try the oil in their hair.

Hair loss treatment: The essential oil shown to help hair grow thicker and faster

Hair loss treatment: Lavender oil has been shown to boost hair growth (Image: GETTY)

Other ways to treat hair loss

No treatment for hair loss is 100 percent effective, but finasteride and minoxidil are the main treatments for male pattern baldness.

Minoxidil can also be used to treat female pattern baldness, advises the NHS, adding women shouldn’t use finasteride.

The health body also adds: “These treatments don’t work for everyone, only work for as long as they’re used, aren’t available on the NHS, and can be expensive.”

Other hair loss treatments include steroid injections, immunotherapy, light therapy, tattooing, hair transplant and scalp reduction surgery.

Hair loss treatment: The essential oil shown to help hair grow thicker and faster

Hair loss treatment: If your hair loss is getting you down, speak to your GP (Image: GETTY)

Some of these treatments may not be available on the NHS.

If your hair loss is causing you distress, your GP may be able to help you get some counselling, suggests the health body.

It adds: “You may also benefit from joining a support group, or speaking to other people in the same situation on online forums.”

You may want to try the following online support groups:

  • Alopecia UK
  • Alopecia Awareness

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