COVID UK update: Supermarkets found to be biggest hotspot for catching virus in England

SUPERMARKETS have been found to be the biggest hotspot for catching the COVID-19 in England, data from Public Health England (PHE) has revealed.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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New data collated using the NHS Test and Trace app has found supermarkets to be the most frequent common exposure setting for catching the COVID-19 virus in England. Experts retraced the steps of 128,808 people using the app whohad tested positive for the virus between November 9 and 15 to find out where transmission is most likely to happen. Under national lockdown restrictions in England, supermarkets have been allowed to remain open for shoppers. 

While the new data suggests supermarkets are the priary setting where the virus is being transmitted, the second most common location was found to be secondary schools. 

This was then followed by primary schools, then hospitals and then care homes. 

There were around 9,789 common locations reported in total. The findings were as follows: 

  • Supermarket - 18.3 percent 
  • Secondary school - 12.7 percent
  • Primary school - 10.1 percent
  • Hospital - 3.6 percent
  • Care home - 2.8 percent
  • College - 2.4 percent
  • Warehouse - 2.2 percent
  • Nursery preschool - 1.8 percent
  • Pub or bar - 1.6 percent
  • Hospitality - 1.5 percent
  • University - 1.4 percent
  • Manufacture engineering - 1.4 percent
  • Household fewer than five - 1.2 percent
  • General practice - 1.1 percent
  • Gym - 1.1 percent
  • Restaurant or cafe - 1.0 percent

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COVID UK update: Supermarkets found to be biggest hotspot for catching virus in England

COVID UK update: Supermarkets have been found to be biggest hotspot for catching the virus (Image: GETTY)

In the last week, 124 outbreaks of COVID-19 have been recorded at seocndary schools in England. 

In total there have been 822 outbreaks at secondary schools in England and 732 in primary schools. 

Shopping, attending childcare educational settings and eating out were the top three activties reported by people using the Test and Trace app who tested postivie before experiencing any symptoms. 

But the number of contacts by exposure was shown to be highest among households and household visitors. 


The UK govenrment advice has remained the same throughout this time to reduce the spread of coronavirus infection. 

The NHS recommends: 

  • Washing your hands with soap and water often for at least 20 seconds
  • Using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  • Putting used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
  • Cleaning objects and surfaces you touch often (such as door handles, kettles and phones) using your regular cleaning products
  • Considering wearing a face covering when in shared spaces
  • Keeping windows open in the room you're staying in and shared spaces as much as possible

COVID UK update: Supermarkets found to be biggest hotspot for catching virus in England

COVID UK update: Schools have also been a hotspot for transmission of the virus (Image: GETTY)

People are still being recommended to get a test as soon as possible if they experience symptoms of coronavirus. 

The three main symptoms are: 

  • A high temperature 
  • A new, continous cough
  • A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

While you wait for your test result, you, or anyone you live, with should stay at home and not have any visitors. 

COVID UK update: Supermarkets found to be biggest hotspot for catching virus in England

COVID UK update: Do you know the difference between COVID and flu symptoms? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

This week's COVID-19 surveillance report published by PHE showed case rates have fallen amongst 20-69 year olds, but have increased in those aged over 70. 

Yvonne Doyle, medical director for PHE, commented: "The highest rate of infections from the last week continues to be seen in the younger generations. 

"Whilst it is encouraging that case rates amongst those aged between 20-60 have fallen, they continued to rise in those over 70 who are more at risk of a bad outcome from the virus. The hospital admission rate also incrased and was highest in those over 85.

"The effect of the current measures does not yet appear in the data, but we should begin to see the impact soon. 

"By mixing with fewer people, we can help to slow the spread of COVID-19 and bring down the number of infections. 

"This in turn, will help us to control the virus and save lives."

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