Diabetes: The golden liquid which ‘significantly’ reduces blood sugar

DIABETES is characterised by high blood sugar levels. This is caused by problems with insulin production in the body. The most important aspect of diabetes management is blood sugar control. There's a golden liquid that can "significantly" reduce blood sugar.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

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Diabetes happens when your pancreas encounters problems with the production of a hormone called insulin. In diabetics, the insulin produced is either not effective, there isn’t enough of it or the body can’t produce any at all. This means that the sugar in your blood can’t be easily taken up as the hormone is supposed to help it enter your cells.

Diabetes currently affects more than 4.9 million people in the UK, Diabetes UK reports.

But this figure is set to rise even higher, targeting one in 10 people by 2030.

Luckily, there are simple ways to manage blood sugar levels.

One thing that can lower post-meal blood sugar is apple cider vinegar, Diabetes.co.uk states.

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Diabetes: Apple cider vinegar ‘significantly’ reduces blood sugar.

Diabetes: Apple cider vinegar ‘significantly’ reduces blood sugar. (Image: GETTY)

Drinking this golden liquid regularly could help contribute to type 2 diabetes management, a US study found.

The study discovered that having apple cider vinegar at bedtime could help impact waking glucose concentrations.

Glucose is another term used to describe sugar.

During the study, the participants had either two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or water at bedtime accompanied by cheese.


Ditching refined carbs and sugar is one of the most effective ways to lower blood sugar.

However, due to the vinegar’s anti-glycaemic effect of acetic acid, including the liquid in your diet could also help.

This effect was linked to reduced starch digestion and delayed gastric emptying.

Glycaemic index expresses at what speed foods raise blood sugar levels.

Having apple cider vinegar at bedtime could help impact waking glucose concentrations.

Having apple cider vinegar at bedtime could help impact waking glucose concentrations. (Image: GETTY)

Another study found that apple cider vinegar was able to lower blood sugar after eating 50 grams of white bread by 31.4 percent.

However, this study only looked at five people.

A third study, published in the journal Diabetes Care, looked at 29 people, out of which 10 had type 2 diabetes, 11 had insulin resistance and eight didn’t suffer from either.

The participants were randomly given either apple cider vinegar or a placebo drink and were also asked to eat a meal consisting of a white bagel, butter and orange juice.

Diabetes symptoms.

Diabetes symptoms. (Image: Express.co.uk )

The research team noticed that those who had the vinegar had increased insulin sensitivity and significantly reduced post-meal blood sugar.

Higher insulin sensitivity allows the cells to use blood sugar more effectively and consequently lower blood sugar.

There are also other studies, published in the National Library of Medicine, which further confirm that vinegar can lower blood sugar levels after meals.

However, if you’re taking blood-sugar-lowering medicine, you should talk to your doctor before introducing a higher vinegar intake, Healthline advises.


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