Michael Mosley: A simple way to lower blood pressure – no exercise or diet needed

BLOOD pressure measures the force of your blood against your arteries. If this force becomes high enough to cause health problems, it's referred to as high blood pressure. To avoid the development of severe health problems, including heart attacks and stroke, you need to keep your levels in check. Dr Michael Mosley recommends a simple solution which can be done from the comfort of your home.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

High blood pressure: Lifestyle changes to reduce reading

High blood pressure can be sneaky as it doesn’t have many noticeable symptoms. Silent but dangerous, the condition can lead to heart problems if left untreated. In the UK, high levels already target around a third of adults, and many might not even realise it because they haven’t been tested, Dr Michael Mosley explains.

Poor lifestyle choices are one of the risk factors for developing high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.

From eating too much salt to not exercising enough, your blood pressure can be slowly increasing without you realising.

Luckily, there are simple interventions that can help lower hypertension.

Dr Mosley shares one that doesn’t involve any exercise and can be done from the comfort of your home.

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Michael Mosley: A hot bath can lower blood pressure.

Michael Mosley: A hot bath can lower blood pressure. (Image: GETTY)

The doctor penned about the benefits of a hot bath for high blood pressure in his Daily Mail article.

He wrote: “A daily immersion in hot water can help lower blood pressure.

“The heat makes your blood vessels expand, reducing the work the heart has to do to make blood pump around your body.”

So, lowering your high reading can be as simple as having a hot bath.


The doctor’s advice was informed by a study from Japan.

Researchers from Osaka University collected data from around 30,000 people over the period of 20 years.

They found that the more you bathe, the better for your blood vessels and heart.

The participants were aged between 45 and 59 years.

So, lowering your high reading can be as simple as having a hot bath.

So, lowering your high reading can be as simple as having a hot bath. (Image: GETTY)

What’s more, lower blood pressure wasn’t the only benefit of soaking in hot water.

Dr Mosley shared: “Researchers found the people who had a hot bath most days had a 28 percent lower risk of heart disease and a 26 percent lower risk of stroke than those who bathed less than twice a week.”

When it comes to the water temperature, you should aim for hot water as the analysis suggested greater benefits compared to warm water.

Also, another important factor might be immersion to shoulder height.

Blood pressure chart.

Blood pressure chart. (Image: Express.co.uk )

The authors of the study suggested that this may be critical.

How do I know if I have hypertension?

As high blood pressure is characterised by the absence of symptoms, it might be difficult to tell.

The NHS reports that the only reliable way is to get your blood pressure checked. 

High blood pressure is considered anything greater than 140/90 millimetres of mercury.

The higher number details the systolic pressure, while the lower is the diastolic pressure.


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