Five 'key causes’ of male hair loss during summer - how to avoid damage

FROM a refreshing dip into a pool to sitting in the sunshine, everyone loves making the most out of summer. Whether you hit your local lido or drive up to the nearest beach during a scorching heatwave, an expert warns that certain factors linked to the hot season could be leaving you with hair loss.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

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“During the summer months we want to be able to enjoy the sun and the activities on offer, but we also need to ensure we are looking after our bodies and our hair simultaneously,” said Navin Khosla, Superintendent Pharmacist at FROM MARS. “Hair care can easily be forgotten as we often don’t notice the damage until it’s too late, so by keeping this advice in mind, your hair can stay healthy throughout the year.”

When you’re enjoying the long careless summer days, probably the last thing on your mind is your hair.

However, everything from swimming to the blazing sun could be taxing on your hairline.

The expert shared that “the key causes of male hair loss” during summer include:

  • The sun
  • Chlorine
  • Saltwater
  • Dehydration
  • Physical exercise.

The good news is that pharmacist Khosla shared what to do to avoid damage caused by these factors.

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Five 'key causes’ of male hair loss during summer - how to avoid damage.

Five 'key causes’ of male hair loss during summer - how to avoid damage. (Image: GETTY)


Although nothing compares to spending your free time in the sunshine, you need to be mindful of the impact on your hair, the expert warned.

Khosla said: “The sun is one of the main culprits for summer hair loss, drying the hair out and increasing the chances of breakage.

“You need to also be sure you’re protecting your scalp from possible sunburn as this can damage the hair follicles and increase the possibility of hair loss.”

If you want to reduce your risk of hair loss triggered by the sun, the expert recommended opting for hair products with SPF, wearing a hat and washing your hair regularly.


Chlorine and saltwate

When the temperatures rise to extreme heights, there’s nothing better than taking shelter by your local pool, lake or beach. However, both chlorine and saltwater could be damaging.

The chlorine strips your hair of natural nutrients and damages the hair follicles while saltwater dries out your hair, leaving it brittle and prone to breakage.

The expert advised: “When choosing to swim in a chlorinated pool, be sure you take the appropriate measures for protecting your hair such as rinsing it with tap water before swimming, as this will reduce the amount of chlorinated water being absorbed by the hair.

“The same goes for swimming in salt water, reducing the possibility of absorption can help counteract the damage before it occurs.”

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Saltwater dries out your hair, leaving it brittle and prone to breakage.

Saltwater dries out your hair, leaving it brittle and prone to breakage. (Image: GETTY)

Another tip she offered is to stock up on natural oils, and hydrating shampoos and conditioners, to boost your haircare routine during this time.


Dehydration doesn’t only affect your inside as your hair can also take a hit, becoming weak and prone to breakage.

Fortunately, this issue is an easy fix. From drinking plenty of water to eating hydrating snacks, there’s a lot you can do to keep your levels up.

Khosla said: “Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water or juice and eating foods, such as watermelon and nectarines, to maintain hydration levels.”

Hair loss treatments explained.

Hair loss treatments explained. (Image:

Physical exercise

Although physical activity can stimulate hair growth, overdoing it can result in the exact opposite.

The expert added: “When exercising in the heat, ensure you aren’t overdoing it as the body can enter a state of stress that can stop hair growth.

“However, physical activity can be beneficial as it stimulates blood flow to the scalp which benefits hair health.

“Be sure to maintain a healthy balance of exercise and rest. Also eat plenty of foods containing protein, iron and omega-3 fatty acids to keep your body and hair healthy.”

While hair loss can be completely normal, there are also some health conditions that could be triggering it. That’s why the NHS recommends seeing a GP if:

  • You have sudden hair loss
  • You develop bald patches
  • You're losing hair in clumps
  • Your head itches and burns
  • You're worried about your hair loss.

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