Rosacea treatment: From topical products to diet - how you can 'greatly control' symptoms

ROSACEA is a common inflammatory condition that causes blushing or flushing of the central face, along with visible blood vessels. While there is no cure for rosacea, lifestyle changes and treatments can greatly control and reduce the signs and symptoms.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

This Morning doctor explains treatments for rosacea

Rosacea may produce small, fluid, pus filled bumps, often mistaken for acne or other skin conditions such as dermatitis. These signs and symptoms may flare up for weeks to months at a time, only to later subside. The exact cause is still unknown, and triggers can vary from person to person. This could be due to an overactive immune system, heredity, lifestyle, environmental factors, or a combination of the above.

According to Sara Waterman, Senior Aesthetician & Treatment Lead at Young LDN, knowing what your triggers are and carefully managing them can help to reduce the visible and painful effects of rosacea.

Known triggers can include:

  • Alcohol, especially red wine,
  • Over exercising,
  • Extreme temperatures,
  • Windburn and sunburn,
  • Hot drinks,
  • Spicy food,
  • Saunas and steam rooms,
  • Drugs: primarily ones that dilate blood vessels,
  • Strong emotions and stress,
  • Improper use of cosmetic products,
  • Over exfoliation of the skin.

While there is no cure, Sara recommended a number of lifestyle changes and treatments that could control symptoms.

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Rosacea treatment - tips from an expert

Rosacea treatment: There's no cure, but certain lifestyle changes can help symptoms (Image: GETTY )


Sara said: “Keep a food diary and keep track of any food items that trigger a flare up. Note this may occur up to two to three days after eating such an item. Try to avoid eating excess refined sugar, gluten and dairy or at least reduce their intake as much as possible.”

Gut microbiome

Sara advised: “Speak with your doctor and follow a protocol to rebalance your gut flora. They generally focus on eliminating sugar intake, reducing carbohydrates, and avoiding dairy and gluten.

“Try to integrate as many vegetables and fermented foods into your diet as possible, avoiding foods you are intolerant to is crucial. The introduction of gut health supplements can greatly help to restore the balance of the healthy flora within your body.”


Sticking to a regular sleep schedule could help. Sara recommended: “A good night’s sleep has been shown to improve the level of not only your gut flora, but your skin and body as a whole.”



Sara said: “Low impact exercise at least three times a week is beneficial, increasing your heart rate and lymphatic function. Just be sure not to overly fatigue yourself as high impact exercise can lead to additional heat and flushing of the face.”

Stress management

Sara warned against excessive stress. “Daily meditation is shown to greatly reduce stress levels.”

Topical products

Finding a good skin care routine can greatly help to reduce the appearance of rosacea

Sara said: “Specifically formulated products help to reduce redness and calm inflamed skin. Acne rosacea can be treated with gentle exfoliation to ease the appearance of inflammatory spots.

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Rosacea treatment - laser

Rosacea treatment: LED light therapy could improve the appearance (Image: GETTY)

“When starting a new skin care regimen, it’s important to stick with the products for at least two to three weeks to allow them to work. Avoid anything that causes the skin to overly sting or turn red. Avoid aggressive exfoliation, and this will only further disrupt your skin's delicate micro biome. Our Skin Experts at Young LDN are always available to help you identify the ideal products for your skin.”

LED light therapy

Sara said: “Near-infrared LED uses a spectrum of energy wavelengths that have been shown to be beneficial for rosacea inflamed skin.

“Particularly the red (633 nm), the blue (450 nm) and the yellow (590 nm) lights in the wavelengths used in synergy to improve the appearance of rosacea skin. Sessions can be done one to two times weekly, depending on the severity of the rosacea. At Young LDN we include LED therapy in a lot of our treatments, as well as having our dedicated LED Facial Bar (located in our Beauty Lounge).”


Some describe their rosacea as a fire in the skin they cannot put out. In this case, cryotherapy could help.

Rosacea treatment - diet

Rosacea treatment: Fermented foods could help rebalance your gut flora (Image: GETTY)

Sara said: “Cryotherapy using a cold compress or tool, such as the Young LDN Cryo Ball can greatly reduce this discomfort. The cold compress constricts the blood vessels, lessening the appearance of flushing, this however is temporary. Results can be seen with repetitive use.”


Intense pulse light or IPL, is a light-based treatment used to target redness and vessels in the skin.

Sara explained: “Using carefully selected parameters, the lights penetrate the skin being absorbed by the skin’s vessels. This diminishes the appearance of flushing and veins; treatment needs to be repeated depending on the severity of the rosacea.

“At Young LDN we recommend between one to four IPL treatments on the area for results but this will vary from client to client.”

Young LDN offers Bespoke Rosacea Treatment

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