Paracetamol warning as the painkiller can cause melena - side effect that strikes on loo

You've been probably taking the painkiller to target various pains and aches for what feels like ages now, but are you aware of the serious side effects?

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

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While paracetamol is one of the safest painkillers out there, the popular medication can also trigger a slew of side effects, just like any other medicine. What’s worse, one sign, that crops up when you go for number two, could signal it’s time to stop using the go-to pain relief. An expert shares how to spot it.

Whether you use it to target a stubborn headache or to relieve various aches and pains, paracetamol is the painkiller of choice for many.

Fortunately, the popular pain relief “rarely” causes side effects as long as you stick to the correct dose, according to the NHS.

Furthermore, many take paracetamol without thinking twice about its unwanted effects but like any other medicine, paracetamol comes with a list of possible side effects.

One of the more serious problems is known as melena - black tarry stools.

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Paracetamol: Serious side effects include melena - expert.

Paracetamol: Serious side effects include melena - expert. (Image: GETTY)

Single pill that treats high blood pressure and high cholesterol would save many lives

A one-pill combination of medications to treat high blood pressure and high cholesterol could prevent millions of premature deaths, heart attacks and strokes each year, experts have said.

They suggest global health has paid a deadly price for not using simple, low-cost blood pressure-lowering drugs widely in the form of a single tablet known as the polypill.

Monika Wassermann, Medical Director, said: “Paracetamol is a good source of acetaminophen, a compound metabolised by the liver into N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine(NAPQI).

“When you double or triple your paracetamol dose, the production of this toxin will increase.

“Due to this, your liver might not function properly, leading to weakness, nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite, dark urine, pale skin and black tarry stool.”

That’s why the NHS also warns against increasing your dose as overdosing can have “serious” effects.

It adds to resist the temptation of boosting your dose even if your pain is “very bad”.

In case you’re not aware, the standard portion is one or two 500mg tablets of paracetamol taken up to four times in a 24-hour period.

However, if you do experience melena, it’s important to “stop” the use of the painkiller right away. recommends ceasing the use and calling your doctor “at once if you have a serious side effect”.

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When you double or triple your paracetamol dose, the production of liver toxin will increase.

When you double or triple your paracetamol dose, the production of liver toxin will increase. (Image: GETTY)

Fortunately, black tarry stools are considered to be a less common side effect when taking the prescribed doses of paracetamol.

Wassermann added: “Black tarry stool is among the rare side effects of paracetamol.

“For this reason, it can be challenging to pinpoint its prevalence.

“Check with your doctor or pharmacist once you experience black tarry stools and other side effects of paracetamol.”

If you’re unsure about dosing or any potential side effects, speak to a health professional.

If you’re unsure about dosing or any potential side effects, speak to a health professional. (Image: GETTY)

As melena isn’t the only unwanted effect linked to paracetamol, you should always refer to the patient information leaflet that came with your medicine to see the full list of possible problems.

The NHS reminds the pain relief rarely causes side effects as long as you stick to the correct dose.

What’s more, the health service also notes that it's “safe” to take paracetamol with most prescription medicines, including antibiotics.

If you’re unsure about dosing or any potential side effects, speak to a health professional.

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