Dr Zoe shares natural remedies that could soothe your cold amid medicine shortage

From vitamin C to honey, natural remedies could help battle your cold amid medicine shortage.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Dr Zoe shares natural remedies for colds

Flu and Covid cases are not only straining the NHS but pharmacies as well. They are struggling to obtain cold and flu medicine amid nationwide shortages. Cough mixtures and lozenges seem to be hit especially hard, as the demand for over-the-counter medicines grows. Fortunately, some alternative treatments could help soothe your symptoms, according to Dr Zoe Williams.

Speaking on ITV’s This Morning, Dr Zoe said: “Colds are rife at the moment, flu is rife at the moment and Covid is still around. Therefore, there is an increased demand. People are buying more remedies to use at home.

“People are trying really, really hard to self-manage their illnesses… so people have been buying more.

“There’s a bit of a shortage but it’s shortage that’s in the shops and pharmacies. Product is being made and re-stocked all the time.”

If you’re struggling to get your hands on your go-to medicine - whether that’s Lemsip or soothers - there are some “natural” remedies that could come to rescue.

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Medicine shortage: Dr Zoe shares natural remedies that could soothe your cold.

Medicine shortage: Dr Zoe shares natural remedies that could soothe your cold. (Image: GETTY)

Vitamin C 

Dr Zoe said: “It doesn’t prevent you from getting colds, there’s no evidence to support that.

“But if you are taking it regularly, there are some studies that show you can have less serious symptoms and get better more quickly.”

What’s more, you don’t need to buy supplements to boost your vitamin C levels, as the following fruit and veg are packed with the nutrient:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Kiwi
  • Strawberries
  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, sprouts, cauliflower)
  • Peppers.

“If you’ve done your five-a-day of fruit and veg and you’re including some of those fruits and vegetables, then you are probably getting enough of vitamin C,” she added.

The doctor explained you can take supplements but you probably won’t get much of a use from them unless you’re deficient.


The doctor said: "Some studies show it helps; some studies show it doesn’t. But the positive studies show it can reduce severity of symptoms. It can reduce the length of symptoms."

However, Dr Zoe explained that you have to have echinacea in your system before your cold starts to reap the effects.

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Peppers and cruciferous vegetables are great sources of vitamin C.

Peppers and cruciferous vegetables are great sources of vitamin C. (Image: GETTY)

The doctor added that most of these natural remedies need to be part of your routine before you get ill so you can see the benefits.


Not only is honey the perfect addition to your tea, it’s also Dr Zoe’s favourite natural remedy.

She said: “It has antimicrobial properties and it has been proven to help relieve symptoms of sore throat and cough, especially, the annoying night-time cough.

“Children over the age of one - it can be helpful for them as well - [but] children under the age of one can’t have honey.”

"It has been proven to help relieve symptoms of sore throat and cough." (Image: GETTY)


Dr Zoe said: “It can be effective when you put it on your neck and your chest because you need to be able to inhale the vapours.

“It doesn’t actually decongest you but it sort of tricks the brain because the strong aromas get through. [And] your brain feels like you are less congested.

“If it works, if it alleviates the symptoms, that’s what we are trying to do here.”

The doctor added that other remedies like oregano oil, irrigation bottle, and salt sprays could also help.

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