Hospital cases of norovirus have risen by nearly a tenth - 'Main' symptoms to spot

New figures suggest the cases of norovirus have surpassed pre-Covid levels.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Norovirus: How to prevent catching the virus

Dubbed "winter vomiting bug", norovirus is a stomach infection that triggers a slew of uncomfortable symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea. The cases of this unpleasant disease are currently rife, with hospital admissions rising by nearly a tenth. Here are the symptoms to watch out for.

Hospital cases of the tummy bug have risen by nearly a tenth in a week.

This comes as cases are reported to be over a third higher than before the pandemic.

Around 371 hospital beds were taken by patients suffering from norovirus across England last week.

This is twice as much compared to the levels seen at the same time last year.

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Norovirus: ‘Main’ symptoms include vomiting - hospital cases are on rise.

Norovirus: ‘Main’ symptoms include vomiting - hospital cases are on rise. (Image: GETTY)

NHS bosses warned the soaring cases pose “a very real concern” and the rise in hospitalisations “couldn't come at a worse time” for the health service.

What are the symptoms of norovirus?

From nausea to vomiting, your tummy is likely to be the first to ring alarm bells.

According to the NHS, the “main” symptoms of norovirus include:

  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Diarrhoea
  • Being sick (vomiting).

The health service notes you might also experience fever, headache and aches in your arms and legs.

The symptoms usually crop up suddenly within one to two days of being infected.

How does it spread?

Worryingly, norovirus can spread “very easily” through three different mechanisms, according to the NHS.

You can catch norovirus from being in close contact with someone who has the winter vomiting bug.

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Hospital cases of the tummy bug have risen by nearly a tenth in a week.

Hospital cases of the tummy bug have risen by nearly a tenth in a week. (Image: GETTY)

Touching surfaces or objects that contain the virus particles and then touching your mouth could also set off the infection.

Furthermore, eating food that’s been prepared or handled by someone with the bug also poses a risk.

According to the NHS, the most reliable way to stop the virus from spreading is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

The health service also warns that alcohol hand gels won’t kill norovirus, so don’t rely on your antibacterial gel to do the trick.

The most reliable way to stop the virus from spreading is to wash your hands frequently.

The most reliable way to stop the virus from spreading is to wash your hands frequently. (Image: GETTY)

How to treat norovirus

Unfortunately, there’s no specific treatment for the winter vomiting bug but there are some interventions that can help.

The key is to ensure you get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.

Bupa adds: “Children can become dehydrated more quickly, so you may wish to give your child a rehydration solution. A pharmacist can advise you on this.”

Norovirus can be usually treated at home, with symptoms starting to improve within two to three days.

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