Dad, 49, given months to live after his ear infection turned out to be a brain tumour

Almost 11,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with a brain tumour each year.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Brain tumour: Cancer Research UK on 'different types' in 2017

A brain tumour describes a cluster of cells in the brain that multiplies uncontrollably. These growths can be either benign or cancerous. Sadly, Dave Whitford, 49, from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, was diagnosed with the latter after suffering from symptoms that were misdiagnosed as an ear infection.

The dad-of-one was given just months to live after receiving the daunting diagnosis.

He now hopes to travel to the USA for potentially life-saving surgery.

Dave needs to raise £100,000 for the pioneering treatment in Texas, which he hopes would remove the tumour completely.

Medics in the UK were able to remove part of the tumour but the location made it impossible for the health team to get rid of the whole culprit.

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Dave Whitford, 49, was diagnosed with Glioblastoma.

Dave Whitford, 49, was diagnosed with Glioblastoma. (Image: SWNS/Dave Whitford)

Dave, a former bus driver, said: "A lot of people have recommended this surgery because it's totally different from what they do over here.

"With what treatment they do in the UK, it means that my tumour won't go permanently because they can't remove it all.

"But the treatment in America completely destroys it. It has been recommended a lot and it does look like an amazing hospital when you read up about it."

Dave first started experiencing red flag signs back in 2019, when he was unable to balance.


He went to A&E in May but was told by doctors that he had an inner ear infection caused by a tiny insect bite.

However, his balance problems were soon joined by constant nausea which prompted doctors to perform a scan on his head.

This revealed a small brain mass which turned out to be an incurable brain tumour.

Dave received a devastating diagnosis of Glioblastoma, which describes an aggressive type of cancer.

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UK medics managed to remove part of Dave's tumour.

UK medics managed to remove part of Dave's tumour. (Image: SWNS/Dave Whitford)

According to the Mayo Clinic, the condition triggers signs like worsening headaches, nausea, vomiting and seizures.

Following the diagnosis, the 49-year-old was given only around a year to 18 months left to live.

He had to give up his job as a bus driver, so he decided to set up a Go Fund Me page to help support himself and his family financially.

But he received advice from hundreds of people online, including some other Glioblastoma patients, prompting him to research alternative treatments.

"If it totally gets removed, then it will just be perfect for me." (Image: SWNS/Dave Whitford)

Dave added: "If it totally gets removed, then it will just be perfect for me. I will just be very happy as long as it doesn't grow back again.

"But I've seen a story about a five-year-old boy who had a brain tumour and he had the surgery in America. He's now in his twenties and he's totally okay."

He will have to fly over to the clinic to find out exactly what treatment he needs, as they customise it depending on the patient.

But the dad said that he will go through whatever he needs to. Dave added: "I just want to survive.”

You can find his Go Fund Me page here

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