Study finds blueberry juice could lower blood sugar levels by 35% - 'Strong potential'

Biotransformed sweet juice could help manage blood sugar levels, according to research.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

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Calculated dietary choices are the first port of call when it comes to type 2 diabetes management. While certain foods could send your blood sugar levels through the roof, others could pose as an antidote. What’s more, a study suggests that a tasty drink could help reduce blood glucose by as much as 35 percent.

Whether you pair it with your breakfast or just enjoy a chilled glass on its own, juice is one of the most popular non-alcoholic beverages.

While orange juice might be the number one choice, research might make you consider another good candidate.

A study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, found that blueberry juice could reduce blood sugar levels by a whopping 35 percent.

Extracted from North American lowbush blueberries, the drink was biotransformed with bacteria from the skin of the fruit.

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Type 2 diabetes: Blueberry juice could help lower blood sugar levels, study suggests.

Type 2 diabetes: Blueberry juice could help lower blood sugar levels, study suggests. (Image: GETTY)

The research team decided to put the effects of this sweet drink into test on mice models.

Doctor Haddad, the director of the CIHR Team in Aboriginal Anti-Diabetic Medicines at the Université de Montréal, said: “These mice were an excellent model that closely resembles obesity and obesity-linked type 2 diabetes in humans.”

The group of mice was not only prone to obesity and diabetes, but also insulin resistance and high blood pressure.

In case you aren’t aware, insulin resistance details your muscles, fat and liver being unable to respond well to insulin, which is a hormone made by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar from carbohydrates for energy or to store for future use.

The team put the biotransformed blueberry juice into water served for the mice and compared it to regular blueberry beverages.

They tweaked the juice by adding a new strain of bacteria isolated from the blueberry flora, called Serratia vaccinii, in order to boost the fruit’s antioxidant effects.

Senior author Pierre S. Haddad, a pharmacology professor at the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine, said: “Results of this study clearly show that biotransformed blueberry juice has strong anti-obesity and anti-diabetic potential.”

Despite the promising results, the research needs to be repeated on humans before any recommendations can be made.

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They tweaked the juice by adding a new strain of bacteria isolated from the blueberry flora.

They tweaked the juice by adding a new strain of bacteria isolated from the blueberry flora. (Image: GETTY)

However, this isn’t the first study to highlight the possible benefits of blueberries on the blood sugar condition.

A review, published in the journal Antioxidants, found that blueberries could help improve insulin resistance and increase insulin sensitivity.

Insulin sensitivity details how responsive your cells are to insulin. So, improving it can help reduce insulin resistance and consequently cut the risk of many diseases, including diabetes.

Furthermore, another research paper, published in the journal Nutrients, shared that the small fruit could help with blood sugar management.

Diabetes symptoms include increased need to urinate.

Diabetes symptoms include increased need to urinate. (Image:

The team instructed participants to consume carbohydrates with or without a side of blueberries.

Blood tests then illustrated that the group which had carbs with a side of blueberries saw lower blood sugar spikes 15 minutes after eating.

These results suggested that blueberries could help your body manage blood sugar after eating simple carbohydrates.

However, the researchers noted that the majority of existing human studies didn’t observe a positive outcome with whole blueberry supplementation.

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