Wearing socks to bed could expose your sheets to the same bacteria found in poo

A swab study has revealed that your socks could be covered in bacteria linked to airway and urinary tract infections.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Your socks could be exposing your bed to the same bacteria found in poo.

Your socks could be exposing your bed to the same bacteria found in poo. (Image: GETTY)

Although we are well into spring now, the weather hasn’t been exactly nice. With temperatures still spelling one-digit numbers during the night-time, you might not be ready to swap your winter pyjamas for their shorter version. However, if you also wear socks to bed for extra warmth, a new study will prompt you to put a fresh pair on before you call it a day. Worryingly, the research suggests that your socks could be carrying the same bacteria found in the like of faecal droppings.

A new swab study by MattressNextDay found that going to bed in dirty socks could expose your sheets to pesky bacteria.

The analysis swabbed different people’s socks that were worn from 7am to 11pm.

Each person wore the same socks while wearing shoes, exercising, and going about their usual everyday activities. 

After analysing these swabs, the researchers found that half of the socks contained the same bacteria commonly found on cockroaches and in poo.

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These bacteria could infect your airway and urinary tract.

These bacteria could infect your airway and urinary tract. (Image: GETTY)

Known as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, these bacteria could infect your airway and urinary tract.

Dr Deborah Lee, from Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explained that these pesky microorganisms are mainly dangerous to those with underlying health problems.

She said: “Pseudomonas infection only poses a threat to those who are immunocompromised, such as people with diabetes, cystic fibrosis, burns, cancer, organ transplant recipients and newborn babies. 

“We need to keep pseudomonas levels under control to protect this portion of the population who are vulnerable.”

Pseudomonas thrive in a moist and humid environment, which makes your bed ideal for them.

Dr Lee said: “At night, the bed is warm, and you are sweating, so this is an ideal breeding ground for pathogens, such as pseudomonas, staphylococcus aureus and E.coli. 

“I would recommend getting into bed in clean pyjamas and a clean pair of bed socks - if you choose to wear socks in bed.”

The expert recommended washing your clothes that are worn close to the skin every day.

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However, wearing socks to bed could help you sleep.

However, wearing socks to bed could help you sleep. (Image: Express.co.uk)

However, don’t give up on socks in bed entirely, as evidence suggests they might be beneficial for your sleep.

Dr Lee added: “Your core body temperature drops before you fall asleep. People with cold hands and feet take longer to fall asleep.

“By wearing socks, you are warming your feet, causing blood to flow to the skin and blood vessels to dilate to dissipate the heat. 

“In one sleep study on a group of young men, those who wore socks in bed were found to fall asleep 7.5 minutes faster, to sleep for 32 minutes longer, and to wake up 7.5 times less often in the night.”

If you want to enjoy better sleep that comes with the small clothing items, just remember to put a fresh pair on, the doctor added.

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