‘I’m a doctor - here’s the reason you should never sleep naked’

While sleeping naked has many health benefits, a doctor has warned when it comes to hygiene, it's best avoided.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Woman laying on front sleeping in the nude

Sleeping naked has been found to offer a host of health benefits (Image: GETTY)

Sleeping naked has been found to have a host of health benefits. Firstly it can improve your sleep quality - a study published in 2018 found lowering your body temperature by sleeping naked can help you reduce the number of times you wake up in the night.

It can also improve vaginal health and fertility among men. Gynaecologists advise removing tight or damp underwear can reduce the chances of getting a yeast infection.

And it’s been suggested if men wear tight-fitting underwear their sperm count is lower - a 2018 study found men who wore loose fitting underwear “had a 25 percent higher sperm concentration and 17 percent higher total count” than men who wore briefs or other forms of underwear.

Finally, skin-to-skin contact between adults can increase levels of oxytocin, also known as the ‘love hormone’, and increase oxytocin can help to reduce our stress levels. It can also make you feel more connected to your partner.

But according to Dr Anthony Youn, a US-based plastic surgeon, there’s a downside to sleeping in the nude.

Dr Youn, who has more than 5.01 million subscribers on YouTube, made a video to explain why you should never sleep without underwear.

He said: “The average person farts 15 to 25 times per day and this can happen while you’re sleeping.

“A scientific study proved that every time you pass gas you are spraying a tiny amount of faecal material.

Woman laying in bed wearing underwear

Sleeping naked could result in the spread of faecal matter - so wear underwear said Dr Youn (Image: GETTY)

“This is true, even if it’s not a real shart.”

’Shart’ is slang for expelling faeces accidentally when breaking wind.

Dr Youn continued: “That same study showed that tighty whities will catch all of these particles.

“So for the sake of your bed partner please sleep with your underwear on.”

Dr Youn added: “And change your sheets regularly you disgusting animal!”

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