Drinking BEER could help prevent cancer: hops could effectively ward off breast cancer

HOPS - the flower which imparts bitter, zesty or citrus flavours in beer - could fend off breast cancer in women.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


Drinking beer is apparently not all that bad for you

The plant has been linked to hormone levels, with studies showing it gives men ‘man boobs’ and calms down postmenopausal symptoms by boosting estrogen metabolism. 

And now new research by experts at the University of Illinois at Chicago has shown that hops could activate chemicals that prevent tumors from developing. 

Scientists applied hops extract to two different breast cell lines to see the effect on the cells’ estrogen metabolism. 

Slower oestrogen metabolism has been proven to increase the risk of breast cancer. 


Hops have been linked to hormone levels

The researchers found an ingredient in hops - 6-prenylnarigenin - increased the rate of oestrogen metabolism. 

Lead researcher Professor Judy Bolton told Mail Online: “We need to further explore this possibility, but our results suggest that 6-PN could have anti-cancer effects.” 

The compound 6-PN is a potent phytoestrogen found in hops. 

When it’s ingested it brings to oestrogen receptors and then fuels the hormones’ activity. 


6-prenylnarigenin found in hops has been found to increase the rate of oestrogen metabolism

In previous reports, the estrogenic activity of 6-PN is so high female hop workers have had disruptions in their menstrual cycles. 

The flower has also become a popular treatment for postmenopausal women who suffer hot flushes, night sweating and insomnia as a result of dramatically slowed oestrogen activity.

Professor Bolton and her team found hops would be particularly effective to ward off breast cancer in women undergoing hormone replacement treatment during menopause. 

According to Professor Bolton’s findings hops also contain a similar compound called 8-prenylnarigenin (8-PN), but this is left effective team 6-PN. 

Every year nearly 60,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with breast cancer. 


Nearly 12,000 people die from breast cancer in the UK every year

One in eight women develop it in their lifetime and is the most common caner in women in the UK. 

Nearly 12,000 people die from breast cancer in the UK every year. 

Women are encouraged to check themselves regularly and to get mammograms. 

Symptoms to look out for are a lump or thickening in an areas of the breast, a change in the size, shape or feel of a breast, dimpling of the skin, a blood stained from the nipple, a rash on a nipple or surrounding area or a swelling or lump in your armpit. 

This comes after cholesterol-lowering drug statins could reduce risk of dying from four common cancers. 

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