Signs of sepsis: Father lost his arms, legs and part of his face to SEVERE infection

SEPSIS sufferer Tom Ray wants to raise awareness of the life-threatening illness, and appeared on This Morning today to speak about the symptoms with Holly Willoughby and Ben Shephard.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Tom Ray opens up about his battle with sepsis

All Tom Ray ever wanted was to be a regular dad, but battling sepsis and losing half his face, arms and legs changed his life forever. 

Tom Ray and his wife Nic appeared on this morning to retell his extraordinary story. 

Just before he was diagnosed with the infection, Tom began feeling incredibly sick, had a high temperature, and a confused feeling “like he was going to die”. 

Before Tom and Nic had time to process what was happening, Tom fell into a coma, and five months later he found he’d lost his limbs and part of his face had been removed. 

Signs of Sepsis: Tom Ray lost his limbs and part of his face to the severe infection ITV

Signs of Sepsis: Tom Ray lost his limbs and part of his face to the severe infection

At first, the couple thought it might have been food poisoning which cause the infection, but retracing Tom’s steps, they now believe Tom contracted the infection after a trip to the dentist, after his gum was pricked. 

Nic was heavily pregnant at the time, and explained how she felt at the time. 

She said: “We went from having plans and looking into the future, having a child, to everything collapsing. 

“Everything was reduced to the next 15 minutes, next half an hour, next day, and it was a bombardment of information and decisions.”

Signs of Sepsis: Tom Ray lost his limbs and part of his face to the severe infection ITV

Tom Ray thought he had food poisoning when he began to feel ill

Signs of Sepsis: Tom Ray lost his limbs and part of his face to the severe infection ITV

Tom Ray's daughter was afraid of him the first time she saw him

Tom added: “I used to lie awake at night in the hospital and try and make sense of it how everything possibly ended up like this. 

“I invented a memory of a car crash and decided I must have crashed a car. I couldn’t work out how anyone could end up like this.” 

One of the hardest things for Tom when trying to adjust to his new life was rebuilding the relationship with his children. 

The first time his two-year-old daughter saw him, she ran away and hid. 

After a tough ten years, Tom finally feels his life is getting back to normal, having finally landed himself a job with a very understanding employer. 

Signs of Sepsis: Tom Ray lost his limbs and part of his face to the severe infection ITV

Tom Ray's life is now getting back on track

His heart-breaking story will be retold in movie Starfish, and he hopes to raise more awareness over the symptoms of sepsis. 

Sepsis is also referred to as blood poisoning or septicaemia which can reduce the blood supply to vital organs such as the brain, heart and kidneys. 

Without quick treatment, sepsis can lead to multiple organ failure and death. 

Symptoms may include a high temperature or low body temperature, chills and shivering, a fast heartbeat and fast breathing. 

In severe sepsis cases symptoms can include feeling dizzy or faint, a change in mental state, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, slurred speech, severe muscle pain, severe breathlessness, less urine production than normal, cold, clammy and pale or mottled skin and loss of consciousness. 

If you’ve recently had an infection or injury and you have possible early signs of sepsis see your GP immediately sort call NHS 111. 

Lady C recently opened up about her deadly sepsis ordeal. 

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