Dementia prevention: Avoid these five foods to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

DEMENTIA describes a range of progressive conditions that affect the brain and symptoms include memory loss and difficulties thinking. There is currently no cure, but some experts believe avoiding certain foods can improve brain function.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Alzheimers Research UK explain 'what is dementia?'

Dementia is a syndrome associated with an ongoing decline of brain functioning. 

The NHS says it can include problems with memory loss, thinking speed, mental sharpness and quickness, language, understanding, judgement, movement and general difficulties carrying out daily activities. 

There is no cure for dementia right now, but if it is diagnosed in the early stages, there are ways you can slow it down and maintain mental function. 

One of these ways is the MIND diet - a diet developed specifically to help improve brain function and reduce dementia which is a combination of the Mediterranean diet and the blood pressure-lowering DASH diet. 

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Dementia prevention: Try avoiding five specific foods

Five foods, which contain saturated fats and trans fats, should be limited

There are no set guidelines for how to follow the MIND diet other than to eat more of the 10 foods the diet encourages you to eat. 

These include green, leafy vegetables, berries, nuts, fish, beans , poultry and even wine. 

But five foods, which contain saturated fats and trans fats, should be limited, as studies in the past have found trans fats are associated with Alzheimer’s disease. 

Fried foods 

Fried food is discouraged as a chemical released when fried foods are heated have been linked to the development of Alzheimer’s. 

Less than one serving a week is recommended on the MIND diet.

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Dementia prevention: Avoid fried foods

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Dementia prevention: Avoid pastry and sweets

Pastries and sweets 

From ice-cream to donuts, this should be limited to no more than four times a week. 


This should be consumed less than once a week. 


You should try to eat less than 1 tablespoon (around 14 grams) daily. 

As an alternative try using olive oil for cooking. 

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Dementia prevention: Limit your cheese intake

Red meat 

This includes beef, pork and lamb products. Aim for no more than three servings each week. 

How you sleep could also effect the risk of you getting dementia

Sleeping on your side - the most popular way to sleep - was linked to a lower risk of dementia than lying on your back or front, the researchers from Stony Brook University claimed.

Lying on your side helps the brain to clear out waste and harmful chemicals, they added.

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