How to lower high blood pressure naturally: Switch to decaf coffee to help hypertension

HIGH blood pressure rarely has noticeable symptoms but the condition, if left untreated, can leave you at risk of heart attacks and strokes. While there are medications available to lower hypertension, switching to decaf coffee could be a natural remedy.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

High blood pressure: NHS doctor explains causes

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is recorded as two numbers -  the systolic pressure (the higher number) which indicates the force at which your heart pumps blood around the body, and the diastolic pressure (the lower number) which records the resistance to the blood flow in the blood vessels. 

Too high blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher.

Heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease are just a few of the potentially life-threatening conditions caused by hypertension, if it’s left untreated. 

Your doctor may recommend taking one or more medicines to keep your high blood pressure under control. But some scientists believe a number of natural remedies can be used to help lower hypertension - including decaf coffee. 

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High blood pressure: Decaf coffee could help lower hypertension

Some scientists believe a number of natural remedies can be used to help lower hypertension - including decaf coffee

Some studies have shown no effect, but research carried out by Duke University Medical Center found that caffeine consumption of 500mg increased blood pressure by 4mmHg, and that effect last until bedtime. 

Caffeine can raise blood pressure by tightening blood vessels and by magnifying the effects of stress, according to study author, research professor at the university, Prof Jim Lane. 

He said: “When you’re under stress, your heart starts pumping a lot more blood, boosting blood pressure, and caffeine exaggerates that effect.” 

So if you’re a bit of a coffee fiend, but you have hypertension, it’s recommended you switch to decaf. 

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High blood pressure: If hypertension is left unnoticed it can leave you at risk of heart attacks

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High blood pressure: Caffeine has been known to increase blood pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension as its also known, affects more than one in four adults in the UK, according to the NHS. 

If your blood pressure is extremely high there may be certain symptoms to look out for

The pharmacy chain says these include: 

  • Severe headache 
  • Fatigue or confusion 
  • Vision problems 
  • Chest pain 
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Irregular heartbeat 
  • Blood in the urine 

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High blood pressure: If you're a coffee fiend try switching to decaf

If you have any of these symptoms, seek medical advice immediately. 

You could be having a hypertensive crisis that could lead to a heart attack or stroke. 

Regular exercise, reducing your sodium intake and drinking less alcohol are just a few of things studies have found to help lower high blood pressure. 

Alongside these, scientists have suggested eating sardines could also help - and here’s the reason why

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