Thomas Markle heart surgery latest: Will Meghan's dad make the wedding? Dr Hilary explains

MEGHAN MARKLE’S dad Thomas Markle will reportedly miss the royal wedding to undergo heart surgery. But, if he undergoes the operation today, could he be fit enough to fly to the UK for the Royal Wedding at the weekend? Dr Hilary Jones explained all on Good Morning Britain.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Dr Hilary: Thomas Markle's surgery story is 'plausible'

Meghan Markle’s dad, Thomas Markle, will undergo heart surgery on Wednesday, according to gossip site TMZ.

He said: “The doctors will go in and clear blockage, repair damage and put a stent where it is needed.”

With the royal wedding just days away, the question on everybody’s lips has been whether or not her dad will attend.

While he had been intending to travel to Britain for the ceremony, reports emerged he had suffered a heart attack a week ago, meaning he is not well enough to make it.

With speculation existing whether Meghan’s dad has or hasn’t been having heart problems, TV doctor Dr Hilary took to Good Morning Britain to reveal the operation’s plausibility.

Meghan Markle’s dad, Thomas Markle, will undergo heart surgery on Wednesday

Responding to Piers Morgan’s claim Meghan’s dad looked to be in good health, just days after the reported heart attack, buying fast food, Dr Hilary said in a cardiac event, people don’t always follow their doctor’s advice.

According to the NHS, recovering from a heart attack can take several months, and reducing your risk of having another heart attack involves making lifestyle changes.

With regards to the heart surgery, Dr Hilary said: “Its plausible. He’s a classic candidate for heart disease - he’s overweight, he smokes, he eats fast food, he probably has high blood pressure.

“I would’ be at all surprised if he had heart disease and needs heart surgery.”

Commenting on the upcoming surgery, he said if Thomas were to have a stent inserted as part of coronary angioplasty - a procedure used to widen blocked or narrowed coronary arteries - he wouldn’t be fit to travel and make it to the wedding.

Thomas Markle heart surgery latest: Will Meghan's dad make the wedding? Dr Hilary explainsGETTY/ITV

Thomas Markle heart surgery latest: Will Meghan's dad make the wedding? Dr Hilary explains

Thomas Markle heart surgery latest: Will Meghan's dad make the wedding? Dr Hilary explainsITV

Thomas Markle heart surgery latest: Dr Hilary says the surgery is "plausible"

Most modern angioplasty procedures involve inserting a short wire-mesh tube, called a stent, into the artery during the procedure.

The stent is left in place permanently to allow blood to flow more freely.

The symptoms of a heart attack can include chest pain, pain in other parts of the body, feeling lightheaded or dizzy, seating, shortness of breath, feeling sick, an overwhelming sense of anxiety, and coughing or wheezing.

The underlying cause of most here attacks is coronary heart disease due to atherosclerosis.

Bupa explains: “This is a condition in which your coronary arteries become narrowed over many years as fatty deposits (plaques) build up on the walls.

Thomas Markle heart surgery latest: Will Meghan's dad make the wedding? Dr Hilary explainsGETTY

Thomas Markle heart surgery latest: Dr Hilary said if he has a stent, he won't make the wedding

“These plaques can split, or their tops can wear away. This leads to the release of substances that cause the blood in your coronary artery to clot to try to mend the damaged artery wall.

“Together the plaque and blood clot can completely block your coronary artery, stopping blood flow to your heart muscle and causing a heart attack.”

You’re more likely to have coronary heart disease, and therefore a heart attack, if you smoke, have high cholesterol, have diabetes, have high blood pressure, lead an inactive lifestyle, and are overweight or obese.

There are ways you can help yourself by reducing these risks.

To avoid one happening in first place, the American Heart Association suggests making four simple lifestyle changes

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