How to get rid of flatulence: Drink this tea to cut down excessive or smelly wind

HOW TO get rid of flatulence: also known as farting, flatulence is normal, and usually nothing to worry about, but it can become an embarrassing occurrence. If you fart a lot, or it’s smelly, there are some easy things you can do to help.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Dr Pixie McKenna on digestive health and bloating

Flatulence is something that everyone does, but some people more than others.

The average amount a person farts is five to 15 times a day, but what’s normal is different for everyone.

If flatulence is affecting your life in a negative way, there are some things you can do.

The NHS advises five things you can do to cut down excessive or smelly wind - the first is to drink peppermint tea.

Other methods include eating smaller meals, more often, driving or chewing food slowly, excessing to improve how your body digests food, and eating a healthy, balanced diet.

The NHS advises five things you can do to cut down excessive or smelly wind - the first is to drink peppermint tea

Things to avoid are chewing gum, smoking, or sucking pen tops or hard sweets as this may cause you to swallow air.

Wearing loose-fitting dentures and eating too many foods that are difficult to digest may also cause you to fart more.

A pharmacist may also be able to help you with flatulence.

They may be able to offer you charcoal tablets or special underwear and pads that absorb smells.

A pharmacist can also advise if you should see a GP.

How to get rid of flatulence: Drink this tea to cut down excessive or smelly wind GETTY

How to get rid of flatulence: Drink this tea to cut down excessive or smelly wind

How to get rid of flatulence: Drink this tea to cut down excessive or smelly wind GETTY

How to get rid of flatulence: The average person farts five to 15 times a day

The NHS adds that you should see a GP if self help and pharmacy treatments haven’t worked and flatulence is affecting your life.

If you’ve got a stomach ache or bloating that won’t go away or one back, if you keep getting constipation or diarrhoea, if you’ve lost weight without trying, if there’s blood in your poo, or if you have signs of an infection, like a very high temperature or feeling hot and shivery, you should also see your GP.

Excess wind and bloating can be caused by a food intolerance. Common signs of a food intolerance are your bowel does not empty properly, the food causes gas to be trapped, and too much gas is produced as a reaction to the food.

Wheat or gluten and dairy products are the usual culprits where a food intolerance is concerned, and the best way to beat it is to cut down on the foods or cut them out completely.

The best way to work out if you have a food intolerance is to keep a food diary for a couple of weeks, noting if certain foods and drinks cause you bloating troubles.

How to get rid of flatulence: Drink this tea to cut down excessive or smelly wind GETTY

How to get rid of flatulence: Drinking peppermint tea could be the answer

If you are thinking about cutting a particular food group out long-term you should first get advice from your GP.

Another digestive health problem is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But the bloating of IBS is not linked with excess wind.

Instead, it is thought to be down to erratic propulsion of contents through the bowel.

You may have been confused if the IBS you experience seems to be a world away from the IBS that you read about, or that others around you suffer from.

The reason for this is actually surprisingly simple. IBS is not simply one disease but a mixture of different of different conditions.

Due to this variation, IBS is often subtypes based upon symptoms - so what subtype do you fall into?

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