Weight loss: Double your slimming success by using this device says Dr Chris

WEIGHT loss diet and exercise regimes may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but these aren’t necessarily the only ways to shed the pounds according to This Morning doctor Dr Chris Steele.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Dr Chris reveals how nose plugs can help with weight loss

Weight loss may be on many people’s minds as we approach the summer months, but what can you do if dieting and exercising isn’t for you?

Dr Chris, 72, reviewed the latest health headlines during his appearance on This Morning, and advised viewers looking to shape up to use nose plugs.

According to new research, dieters who used “scent blockers” found great success when it came to losing weight.

Dr Chris explained: “Overweight people have great sensitivity to smell - a higher stimulation of appetite.”

The study, which was presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Vienna, involved two groups of obese patients.

Overweight people have great sensitivity to smell - a higher stimulation of appetite

Both groups were put on a three-month-long diet and their intake was reduced by 500 calories.

But one group was given silicone nasal plugs while the other went without.

At the end of the 12 weeks, those who had used the nasal plugs lost one stone, four pounds, and those who didn’t only lost nine pounds.

Dr Chris added: “Taste is very much dependent on sense of smell.”

But the TV doctor did point out the practicality of wearing nasal plugs, adding that those involved in the research wore them for 12 hours in the day.

Weight loss: Double your slimming success by using this device says Dr Chris

Weight loss: Double your slimming success by using a particular device says Dr Chris (Image: GETTY)

Weight loss: Double your slimming success by using this device says Dr Chris

Weight loss: Dr Chris gave his take on the latest research on This Morning (Image: GETTY)

Dr Chris recently appeared on This Morning to recommend a particular honey that could help keep chemotherapy patients’ white cell count up.

Chemotherapy is medication that works to kill off cancerous cells, but this form of treatment can also bring down a person’s white blood cell count.

White blood cells help fight infections by attacking bacteria, viruses, and germs that invade the body.

When the number of white cells drop as a result of chemotherapy, cancer specialists are usually forced to reduce the dose of chemotherapy or stop the treatment completely, meaning the tumour grows again.

But Dr Chris recommended chemotherapy patients take LifeMel Honey.

Weight loss: Double your slimming success by using this device says Dr Chris

Weight loss: Using nose plugs could double your weight loss success (Image: GETTY)

On the Life Mel site it states: “LifeMel Honey is the only honey available that has had a clinical study done to determine effectiveness in decreasing side effects, including anaemia, severe neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia of patients involved in chemotherapy.”

Dr Chris, who made it clear he was not endorsing the brand, explained the honey, which is made in Israel, comes from bees fed on a combination of medicinal herbs, including ginseng, echinacea and lemon balm.

It was developed by a microbiologist who noticed that beekeepers and their families stayed healthy during a cholera outbreak.

The honey is pricey, but Dr Chris said all that’s needed is one level teaspoon twice a day.

He recently advised a pancreatic patient of his to take LifeMel honey - a patient whose chemotherapy was particularly toxic.

Dr Chris said: “His white blood cells dropped a little, but generally there was no change.”

Last week, Dr Chris tried to quell fears around giving children Calpol and offered tips on fighting fever without medication

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