Lung cancer symptoms: Three less common signs you need to be aware of

LUNG cancer symptoms are not always obvious in the early stages, but as the disease develops, a persistent cough, coughing up blood may occur, and feeling very tired may develop. Many of the signs of the disease can also be symptoms of the much less serious conditions, so it’s important to be aware that there are three more, less common signs to watch out for.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Lung cancer: NHS offers advice on spotting cancer early

Lung cancer symptoms often don’t become apparent until the tumour has become quite large.

But when they do, Bupa lists seven to look out for: coughing up blood, feeling short of breath, having pain in your chest, having regular chest infections, using weight for no reason, feeling very tired, and using your appetite.

SCLC (small cell lung cancer) can develop quickly and spread to other parts of your body early on, often before diagnosis, which is why it’s important to be aware of all the symptoms.

With this in mind, there are three other, less common symptoms you need to be aware of.

Bupa lists these as swelling of your face or neck, a hoarse voice, and broadening or thickening of the tips of your fingers (known as clubbing).

Lung cancer symptoms often don’t become apparent until the tumour has become quite large

The health organisation adds: “Many symptoms of lung cancer, such as a cough, can also be symptoms of other much less serious conditions, such as asthma.

“But if you’ve had symptoms such as a cough or feeling very tired for longer than three weeks, contact your GP surgery for advice.

“Some of the more serious symptoms - such as increasing shortness of breath, chest pain and coughing blood - should be checked by a GP sooner rather than waiting three weeks.

“If you’re in any doubt, it’s best to see your GP as soon as you can.”

A cough is one of the main symptoms of lung cancer, but what should you look out for?

Lung cancer symptoms: Three less common signs you need to be aware of

Lung cancer symptoms: There are three less common signs you need to be aware of (Image: GETTY)

Lung cancer symptoms: Three less common signs you need to be aware of

Lung cancer symptoms: Swelling of your face is a less common sign (Image: GETTY)

Cancer Research UK says your cough might be more painful, it may have a different sound, and you may bring up coloured mucus or phlegm when you cough.

Another sign your cough could be linked to lung cancer is if you start coughing up blood. This may be small amounts of blood and you may cough up rust coloured phlegm.

Your sputum, another word for phlegm, could also have flecks of red in it.

It is more unusual to cough up larger amounts of blood, but you should see you GP straight away if this happens.

Another symptom people may not recognise as being linked to lung cancer is swelling in the face.

Lung cancer symptoms: Three less common signs you need to be aware of

Lung cancer symptoms: Small cell lung cancer can develop quickly and spread (Image: GETTY)

But why does this happen?

Swelling in the face can be a result of a superior vena cava obstruction.

The superior vena cava is a large vein in the chest which carries blood from the upper half of the body into the heart.

A superior vena cava obstruction happens when something blocks this blood flow, explains Macmillan

A breakthrough cancer treatment has the ability to save tens of thousands of lives and should be available on the NHS, experts said back in April. 

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