Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Cut this breakfast food out your diet to control blood sugar

DIABETES type 2 symptoms aren’t always easy to detect, but it’s important to recognise certain signs, as the condition left untreated can result in more serious health problems. As well as regular exercise, eating the right foods can slash your risk of this type of diabetes and help control blood sugar levels. Avoiding a particular breakfast item will also help, according to one expert.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

What are the causes of type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes type 2 is the most common form of diabetes in the UK, and symptoms may include feeling very thirsty, urinating more frequently than usual and blurred vision, before diagnosis.

Medication may be required as the condition progresses, but making simple lifestyle changes to your diet and exercise routine help control your blood glucose levels.

Bupa says eating carbohydrates can make your blood sugar shoot up, so counting and using a glycemic index can be useful.

Matthew Freeby, MD, director of the Gonda Diabetes Center at UCLA Health, says one particular food that falls into the carbohydrate category should be avoided all together.

Speaking to Prevention, Mr Freeby said popular breakfast item, the bagel, should be crossed off the menu.

Diabetes type 2 is the most common form of diabetes in the UK, and symptoms may include feeling very thirsty, urinating more frequently than usual and blurred vision, before diagnosis

He explained: “Many of my patients with diabetes think about sugar as being the worst thing that’s impacting their blood sugar, but it’s really about carbohydrates.

“I tell them to look at nutrition labels for the total carbohydrate content, not just the sugar content.

“Donuts and bagels made with refined and processed grains are major sources of blood-sugar-spiking carbs.”

Diabetes UK says the key to managing and preventing diabetes is a balanced diet.

Fruit and vegetables

Whether it’s fresh, frozen, dried and canned fruit in juice and canned vegetables, everyone should eat at least five portions a day, says Diabetes UK.

The charity suggests adding an apple, banana, or orange to your child’s lunchbox, eating sliced melon or grapefruit topped with low-fat yoghurt, or a handful of berries, or fresh dates, apricots or prunes for breakfast, and eating carrots, peas and green beans mixed up in a pasta bake.

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Cut this breakfast food out your diet to control blood sugar

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Cut this breakfast food out your diet to control blood sugar (Image: GETTY)

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Cut this breakfast food out your diet to control blood sugar

Diabetes type 2 symptoms can be difficult to detect (Image: GETTY)

Starchy foods

Try and include starchy foods every day.

You could try potatoes any way you like, with the skin left on for valuable fibre, covered in a low-fat topping such as cottage cheese or beans. But don’t fry the potatoes.

Two slices of multigrain toast with a scraping of spread and Marmite or peanut butter, and rice, pasta or noodles in risottos, salad or stir-fries are some other options.

Meat, fish, eggs, pulses, beans and nuts

You should aim to have some food form this group every day, and at least one to two portions of oily fish a week.

Protein helps build muscles, the minerals found in these foods help with the production of red blood cells and omega-3 can help protect the heart.

Eat meat, poultry or a vegetarian alternative grilled, roasted or stir-fried, or eggs scrambled, poached, dry fried or boiled.

A small handful of raw nuts and seeds as a snack or chopped with a green salad are also an option.

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Cut this breakfast food out your diet to control blood sugar

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Bagels are a major source of blood-sugar-spiking carbs (Image: GETTY)

Dairy foods

Calcium contained in these foods are vital for keeping bones and teeth strong.

Aim to have some every day, but don’t have too much.

You could try yoghurt with fruit or on a curry, cottage cheese scooped on carrot sticks or a cheese sandwich at lunchtime, packed with salad.

Foods high in fat and sugar

Enjoying food from this group as an occasional treat is part of a placed diet, but the less often, the better, as foods and drinks in this category will add extra calories and raise blood glucose.


Diabetes UK advises: “Too much salt can make you more at risk of high blood pressure and stroke. Processed foods can be very high in salt.

“Try cooking more meals from scratch at home, where you can control the mount of salt you use.”

Some health experts also believe supplements could help lower blood sugar

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