Vaping DANGER: Flavoured e-cigarettes can be ‘toxic’ and ‘lead to heart attacks’

VAPING e-cigarettes as an alternative to smoking normal cigarettes has been deemed a healthy way of quitting the habit. But now scientists have warned a flavoured vape can damage cells lining the heart and blood vessels, which can lead to cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

E-cigarettes: Study reveals flavourings may be 'harmful'

Vaping e-cigarettes has become a very popular way of stopping smoking in the UK over recent years.

Most devices able you to inhale nicotine without many of the harmful effects of smoking.

The NHS says e-cigarettes carry “a fraction of the risk of cigarettes”, but new tests have now shown vaping flavoured e-cigarettes can be just as harmful.

Research carried out in the US by Boston University used nine flavours - menthol, vanilla, cinnamon, clove, strawberry, banana, burnt, butter and spicy cooling.

Inhaled at typical levels, the additives in each slowed blood flow and increased inflammation.

Flavourings were toxic to blood vessels and have adverse effects that may have relevance to cardiovascular toxicity similar to cigarettes

They were also found to damage endothelial cells which line the blood vessels and inside of the heart.

Dr Jessica Fetterman, from the university, said further tests were needed.

She explained: “Increased inflammation and a loss of nitric oxide are some of the first changes to occur leading up to cardiovascular disease and events like heart attacks and stroke, so they are considered early predictors of heart disease.

“Our findings suggest that these flavouring additives may have serious health consequences.

“Flavourings were toxic to blood vessels and have adverse effects that may have relevance to cardiovascular toxicity similar to cigarettes.”

Vaping DANGER: Flavoured e-cigarettes can be ‘toxic’ and ‘lead to heart attacks’

Vaping: Flavoured e-cigarettes can be ‘toxic’ according to new research (Image: GETTY)

Vaping DANGER: Flavoured e-cigarettes can be ‘toxic’ and ‘lead to heart attacks’

Vaping: In the study it was found flavoured e-cigarettes can damage the lining in blood vessels (Image: GETTY)

Bupa says it’s estimated that vaping is around 95 per cent safer than smoking cigarettes.

It states: “Although nicotine is addictive, it’s the combustion of tobacco in conventional cigarettes and the by-products formed, that cause the most harm associated with smoking.

“Of course, not smoking or using nicotine products at all is the best thing you can do. But we know that’s easier said than done for many people.

“So for people who are unable or unwilling to stop using nicotine, e-cigarettes are by far the safest option.”

The health organisation says you may notice some short-term effects when you start vaping, such as irritation to your mouth and throat.

Vaping DANGER: Flavoured e-cigarettes can be ‘toxic’ and ‘lead to heart attacks’

Vaping: The NHS advises e-cigarettes carry "a fraction of the risk of cigarettes" (Image: GETTY)

As e-cigarettes haven’t been around for very long, no-one can say for sure what the long-term effects may be.

It adds: “What we can say is from what we know about the chemicals in e-cigarettes, they’re likely to be much less harmful than cigarettes.

“Most of the harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke aren’t present in e-cigarettes. And the chemicals that they do contain, pose little danger.

“While e-cigarettes contain nicotine, they seem to be far less addictive than cigarettes.”

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