How to get rid of hay fever: Avoid this drink during high pollen count to reduce symptoms

HOW TO get rid of hay fever: Sufferers are being told to prepare this week for the highest pollen count in over a decade. So what’s the best way to get rid of itchy eyes and a runny nose?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

This Morning: Dr Scadding advises on how to relieve hay fever

Hay fever sufferers have been warned of very high pollen counts across the UK this week.

The Met Office has said England and Wales will be worse affected, with the South, East and East Midlands expected to experience very high pollen counts.

Yolanda Clewlow, Head of the Met Office Pollen Network, explained: "The reason we have such high pollen levels this year is because we have had perfect weather for pollen. It has been lovely and warm, followed by rain, and then dry days and breezes that lift the pollen off the grass, plants and trees.”

On hand to help ensure the estimated 18 million UK hay fever sufferers are prepare, Boots UK pharmacist Angela Chalmers has offered its best tips for managing symptoms.

One surprising way of keeping a runny nose and itchy eyes at bay is cutting down on alcohol.

Whilst it might be tempting to enjoy a drink on a warm, summer evening, alcohol can worsen the symptoms of hay fever

Angela said: “Whilst it might be tempting to enjoy a drink on a warm, summer evening, alcohol can worsen the symptoms of hay fever, so maybe try to avoid on the days when your symptoms feel particularly bad.”

Other tips range from using petroleum jelly to taking an evening shower.

Use petroleum jelly as a barrier

Angela said: “Using petroleum jelly as a barrier, by placing it on the inside of your nostrils can help stop pollen from sticking to the lining of your nose.”

Keep windows shut

“Pollen is highest in the air during the middle of the day, so during this time it is best to keep doors and windows shut to help stop pollen from getting inside,” advised Angela.

How to get rid of hay fever: Avoid this drink during high pollen count to reduce symptoms

How to get rid of hay fever: Avoid this drink to reduce symptoms (Image: GETTY)

How to get rid of hay fever: Avoid this drink during high pollen count to reduce symptoms

How to get rid of hay fever: The Met Office has forecast the highest pollen count in over a decade (Image: GETTY)

Once indoors, get changed

Angela explained: “Pollen often sticks to everything, including your clothes. So as soon as you get home make sure you change straight away to avoid it spreading around the house.”

Take an evening shower

Most people tend to have a shower first thing in the morning before heading out for the day.

Angela added: “But in the same way that pollen can cling to clothes, it also clings to your hair. A shower before bed can help stop the allergens getting into your bed sheets.”

How to get rid of hay fever: Avoid this drink during high pollen count to reduce symptoms

How to get rid of hay fever: Alcohol has proven to worsen symptoms of hay fever (Image: GETTY)

Hay fever expert Dr Glennis Scadding took to ITV’s This Morning last week to give her best advice for beating symptoms.

If you can’t avoid pollen, Dr Scadding said swish pollen out of your nose with a salty water spray and make sure to take regular protection.

So what is regular protection? The hay fever expert said a simple nasal corticosteroid spray will do the trick.

She said: “Start it before you usually suffer, take it every single day regardless of what the weather is doing, that way it will be more effective at delaying symptoms and keep symptoms down.”

Dr Scadding added that it’s better to take the nasal spray in the morning as it has a more physiological effect.

One popular remedy for hay fever is eating locally produced honey - but does this actually work?

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