How to live longer: Eat this many cherry tomatoes a day to increase your life expectancy

HOW TO live longer: some simple lifestyle changes can increase your odds of a longer and more satisfying lifespan - one of these being watching what foods you include in your diet. One food recommended by experts to eat on a daily basis, proven to improve heart health and fight cancer, is cherry tomatoes. But how many do you need to eat?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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How to live longer is a question many people as they get older wish they knew the answer to.

One of the ways to achieve longevity is through quitting smoking. This can cut your risk of dying from cancer related to smoking and slash your risk of stroke.

Alongside exercise, eating a healthy, balanced diet is also crucial to helping you live longer, states the NHS, and one food you need to be eating on a regular basis is cherry tomatoes.

This is the recommendation from medical consultant Dr Sarah Brewer and dietician Juliette Kellow.

But it’s not just cherry tomatoes that can help add years on to your life. Regular tomatoes, chopped or whole canned tomatoes, tomato puree, sun-dried tomatoes and tomato juice all hold health benefits.

How to live longer is a question many people as they get older wish they knew the answer to

The pair say as an integral part of the Mediterranean diet, tomatoes are a great source of health-promoting vitamins A and C.

They also contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene, which may improve heart health and protect against a number of cancers.

Writing in their book titled ‘Eat Better Live Longer’, the pair add: “Better still, cooking seems to boost the lycopene-related benefits of tomatoes, as does serving them with a little fat, for example olive oil.”

The duo explain a daily serving of tomatoes or tomato products is ideal. But consuming tomatoes only a few times a week still offers many health benefits.

If you opt for cherry tomatoes you should eat six of there. One serving also equals one whole regular tomato, 200g chopped canned tomatoes, two canned plum tomatoes, four sun-dried tomatoes, one small glass of tomato juice, and two level tablespoons of tomato puree.

How to live longer: Eat this many cherry tomatoes a day to increase your life expectancy

How to live longer: Eating cherry tomatoes can help increase life expectancy (Image: GETTY)

How to live longer: Eat this many cherry tomatoes a day to increase your life expectancy

How to live longer: Tomatoes can improve heart health and help fight cancer (Image: GETTY)

Dr Brewer and Ms Kellow go on to list tomatoes’ various health benefits.

Heart health

Many studies suggest tomatoes - and in particular the lycopene they contain - help keep the heart healthy.

They add: “Research shows higher intakes of tomatoes and tomato products reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, increase HDL (good)cholesterol, and may lower blood pressure.

One review of studies also found lycopene decreased the risk of stroke by 19 per cent.”

How to live longer: Eat this many cherry tomatoes a day to increase your life expectancy

How to live longer: Eat one whole regular tomato a day to reap the benefits (Image: GETTY)

Fights cancer

Lycopene may protect against many cancers, including those of the lung, pancreas, stomach, mouth colon, and breast, according to the two health experts.

They add: “The most compelling evidence is its effect on prostate cancer, the second more common cancer in men.

“A review of 26 studies found higher lycopene intakes are generally linked to a lower incidence of this disease.”

Dr Brewer and Ms Kellow also say eating avocados can help improve life expectancy

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