Horoscopes today - Russell Grant's star sign forecast for Saturday, March 11

TODAY'S horoscope has one star sign unable to recall the last time they enjoyed a spending spree, while another is finding life a bit too fast at the moment. What else can you expect? Russell Grant shares his analysis


It will seem as if, despite your best effort, you have exhausted the possibilities of a joint project. What will surprise you is when a partner’s inspirational ideas will encourage you both to experiment with a very different approach. This will keep you working together a short while longer.


You can’t remember the last time you enjoyed a spending spree. If you do have some extra cash, you might decide to spend it on household items. You and a housemate will have a whale of a time buying furniture and other items to spruce up your home.


People are talking about starting up a new group or club in your area. They’re including you in conversations as they feel sure you will want to be involved in the set-up. What they don’t realise is you have more than enough on your plate and you really don’t want to take on any more.


Some unexpected money in the form of a bonus, prize or inheritance is heading in your direction. A colleague or neighbour will show a lot of interest in what you are doing and this could ultimately lead to a new joint commitment.


You’re under a lot of pressure to fulfil a number of obligations. Homelife is hectic, working life is unsettled and you’re struggling to fulfil commitments to friends. You might wonder how you have managed to take on so much so quickly. Something has to give.


You’re having second thoughts about having accepted an offer that involves a lot of people. Your dilemma now is do you go ahead or do you admit to how you feel and pull out before it has even begun. It is not a good idea to continue with anything that will make you unhappy.

Couple gazing at the zodiac

One star sign is finding life a bit too fast. (Image: Getty)


Apply the brakes to your spending. You need to pay off current bills before making any major purchases. An older relative will praise you on the practical approach you are taking to important concerns. An invitation to a glamorous event should be declined if you know you can’t afford it.


Life is too fast. It will feel like a partner’s foot is on the accelerator. It might be up to you to find the brake and take control. If you are self-employed, expect to be looking at your spreadsheets for the next financial year to work out how you might afford increasing costs.


How do you put into words the way you feel when emotions overwhelm you? Sometimes actions speak louder than words. A hug or a gift to show how much you appreciate someone in your life is all that it takes to demonstrate your emotions.

Hands clasping the zodiac

One star sign is finding their home-life rather hectic. (Image: Getty)


Your boss or a senior colleague will take a hard line. You expected them to be more understanding and instead it will be difficult if not impossible to convince them to compromise. A delivery service will let you down.


Hold back before donating time, money or effort to a supposedly good and worthwhile cause. Something that is going on in the background could lead to this project being cancelled or postponed and you won’t want to feel your own involvement has been worthless.


Money will be promised but some of that still has to make it through to the places and people who are likely to benefit most from this. You are hoping new arrangements will make a positive impact but change has to come quickly if there is to be some benefit.

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