Horoscopes today - Russell Grant's star sign forecast for Monday, July 31

TODAY'S horoscope has one star sign receive praise from those in high places, while another can expect to revisit an old problem. What else can you expect? Russell Grant shares his analysis


Be realistic about what you can and can’t do. Instead of letting a colleague put you down, focus on those things you know you can do better than anyone else. Praise and reassurance from those in high places will help you withstand any negative comments coming your way from a jealous rival.


You are a wonderfully creative person. This would be a great time to develop your talents further. Joining a group of like-minded others will enable you to make some great connections. Attending a course or launching a creative project will pave the way for a happier future.


Results can be achieved in a number of different ways. Before telling yourself you can’t do something, spend some time observing what is going on around you. A colleague or fellow student will enjoy sharing their knowledge with you. With their guidance, your confidence will grow.


Someone will accomplish great things. You will be happy for them but you wish it was you. It can be a little disheartening to see others being successful when you had hoped to achieve similar goals. It is not too late. Keep trying and soon your day will come.


You’re in luck when it comes to romance, finance and business. Whether you receive a bonus, a job offer or a promotion, you have a lot to be happy about. You are reminded what it feels like to receive good news. Go out and celebrate with supportive friends.


An old problem you had not wanted to have to revisit will crop up again. You’re tired of having to deal with this and this time you will intend to resolve the matter once and for all. This may mean someone is going to have to hear some painful truths. Taking more responsibility for a joint arrangement will boost your confidence.

Couple embracing the zodiac

One star sign will have luck on their side today (Image: Getty)


If you sense everything is working in your favour don’t be tempted to take a day off. Keep up the good work and be certain to keep this positive momentum going. Speculative efforts will be surprisingly rewarding and luck will attend on-line activities.


Life always has its ups and downs and although there are challenges ahead, don’t give up as something you were expected to fail at will turn out right for you. Be practical. Keep an eye on activities and negotiations that need to be supervised. Just to make certain nothing goes wrong.


It may be a close relationship that hasn’t been giving you much happiness of late or it could be a friend’s love life that hasn’t been blissful. Either way, some surprise developments will see this situation improving quite considerably. Pouring creativity into work will be profitable.

Hands clasping the zodiac

One star sign senses a new relationship has a strange feel about it (Image: Getty)


You won’t think twice about your response when asked to get involved in a fundraising campaign for a special cause. It will give you pleasure to take an active part in helping your local community. Expect to be doing some home entertaining this evening.


A new relationship or friendship has a strange feel about it. Someone seems hugely interested in your ideas and encourages you to talk. Suddenly you will realise that they know all about you whereas you know hardly anything about them. Their response to your questions will give insight into their motivations.


Acting on ideas and taking positive steps forward is far more fun than just dreaming about what you could be doing. If you want to do something new, different and exciting, then go for it. A confidential tip offered to you by a senior colleague is worth following up.

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