Horoscopes today - Russell Grant's star sign forecast for Friday, November 24

TODAY'S horoscope has one star sign emerging from some tough times, while another finds that change is in the air. What else can you expect? Russell Grant shares his analysis

Couple embracing the zodiac

Couple embracing the zodiac (Image: Getty)


Get together with teammates early in the day to sort out any misunderstandings. Everyone should be clear about who should be doing what, where and when and this will make a joint project far easier for you. If need be, put your wonderful leadership skills into action.


You’ve been through some tough challenges and this has caused a lot of anxiety. The company of some cheerful and extroverted friends will help release tension without you even realising it. In group situations, expect to have a pleasant time with a laugh-a-minute atmosphere.


A disagreement or problems that crop up now are inevitable as conflict has been building for some time. A sensitive relative needs someone to talk to and may be hoping for your support. A neighbour is spoiling for a fight. It might feel as if it never rains but it pours.


Put your own needs, desires and wishes first. If this means you will be competing against someone who has always been a friend to you, so be it. If they understand how important it is for you to pursue something special, they will not let this affect the quality of your relationship.


Keep a record of all commitments. It would be easy to forget some appointments or promises when you are so heavily in demand professionally and socially. Check that you are available before agreeing to meet up with people as to double-book yourself could damage your reputation.


Trying to force a result when you are waiting for things to happen will probably be the worst thing you can do. Change is in the air. Until you work out whether or not this will be for your benefit, it will be impossible to relax. All you can do is: be patient.

Signs of the zodiac

Signs of the zodiac (Image: Getty)


A boost in income is likely. This, among other benefits, could provide you with the perfect excuse to book a special holiday. You need something to look forward to when some chaotic events and conditions have given you little chance to unwind lately.


A friend or colleague’s reluctance to speak out for themselves is starting to annoy you although you feel guilty about it. Their behaviour brings back memories of when you were younger and less confident. Put these thoughts behind you and offer your support.


An unexpected training opportunity will be offered. This is your chance to study an interesting subject. The deeper you get into this, the more your interest will grow. You won’t want to be disturbed by anything or anyone which is why you will shun social activities and keep to yourself.

Hands clasping the zodiac

Hands clasping the zodiac (Image: Getty)


A rival will only succeed in upsetting you if you allow their comments to get to you. Ignore them. Avoid any kind of one-upmanship contest. It doesn’t matter what other people might think, go for what you truly want and let this be the driving force of your life.


If recently you have been splashing out without thinking about it, the time has come to gather your bills and tot up the damage. Your finances will be more manageable once you have taken into account all regular debits and credits and worked out a sensible budget.


For a reason which may not become apparent until later, a loved on is in very high spirits. When they share their secret, this will put everyone around them in a similar mood. Confide in someone you can trust if you are thinking about making some radical changes.

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