An EROTIC eggplant for sale is offering satisfaction guarantee - can you see why?

AN UNUSUALLY shaped aubergine for sale on New Zealand auction site Trade Me has caused quite a stir.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Rude eggplant Trade Me/atom84

The aubergine's rude shape has caused quite a stir

The freshly picked phallic vegetable was listed on the site let Saturday for a one dollar reserve price - just less than 50p - by user atom84.

Since then, 23 people have declared their interest for the “totally organic” food item, with bids so far reaching 107 dollars, the equivalent of £49.36.

But the owner from Waikato, New Zealand, who did not want to be named, will not be profiting from this rude-shaped veg.

The sale proceeds will be going to New Zealand Prostate Cancer Foundation.

Rude eggplant Trade Me/atom84

The aubergine is seven inches long and its girth is four inches

According to the New Zealand Herald, he said putting it up for auction was just for a laugh, after his father found it growing in their vegetable patch and picked it last Wednesday.

He said: “He thought it was hilarious, and my wife and I found it pretty funny too.”

It was the first time he has listed anything for sale on Trade Me.

The size of the aubergine is seven inches long and its girth is four inches and its currently being stored in the fridge.

Rude eggplant GETTY

The embarrassing shaped vegetable was apparently created with

Trade Me users commented on the peculiar listing.

One said: “Pretty ballsey auction, won’t be SHLONG before this is snapped up.”

Another joked: “I always wondered why my ex-wife left me shortly before going vegan.”

Some users were genuinely interested about how he came to acquire such an odd-shaped vegetable.

The secret he shared: “Lots of tender love and care is all you need.”

This rude shaped vegetable comes after the discovery that sex and curry could stop you sneezing

One potential buyer asked if it would be shipped and delivered in discreet, nondescript plain packaging.

His reply was: “It was going to be a see-through arrangement but we will be discreet if required.”

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