'He’s the most beautiful baby' Mum hits back at strangers who ask about son's birthmark

FIRST-time mum Mary Anne Friend has hit back at strangers who stared at her "beautiful" son that has a birthmark which covers 60 per cent of his face.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Birthmark PA Real Life

Mary says Atlas's birthmark makes him "beautiful"

The 30-year-old has released pictures of her 11-month-old son Atlas’s ‘port-wine stain’ birthmark to help raise public awareness.

Mary said she had a completely normal pregnancy.This comes after another mum decided to decorate her son's nusery with artwork made with her PLACENTA.

The beautician said: “When he was born I didn’t notice the mark at first.

“Then the nurses took him away to be cleared and checked.

“Before they gave him back to me the neonatal nurse warned me there was something on his face.

“It made me nervous, but as long as I had him, I didn’t care.

“His birthmark is irrelevant and he’s the most beautiful baby.”

While many port-wine stains are often harmless, Garritt, is concerned Atlas could have Sturge-Weber syndrome, a rare condition affecting the skin, brain and eyes which can cause seizures.


Birthmark PA Real Life

Mary and Garritt are currently teaching Atlas to understand he may be treated differently

While many port-wine stains are often harmless, Garritt, is concerned Atlas could have Sturge-Weber syndrome, a rare condition affecting the skin, brain and eyes which can cause seizures.

Mary added: “It’s hard to worry about it because I can’t control it. I take each day as it comes. The left side of his face is slightly swollen and his eye is not as open as the right one.

“We have an appointment next month for an MRI to see whether he has the condition.”

While the family wait to hear about his diagnosis, the new parents are raising Atlas to understand he may be treated differently.

Birthmark PA Real Life

The new parents have tried laser treatment to lighten the birthmark

Mary said: “Once when I was carrying him in a papoose, a woman ran over to me and said I was strangling my baby because she had seen the red face.

“When I told her that he had a port-wine statin she was so embarrassed and shocked. People aren’t being rude, they’re just concerned. But it can be hard to take.”

In February the family started their first course of laser treatment to lighten the mark and stop it getting “thick like sandpaper”.

Mary said: “It won’t disappear forever. When he’d older he’ll be able to decide whether he wants to get ride of it or keep it. I don’t want to get rid of his birthmark. I think he’s beautiful and it’s a part of him."

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