This toddler’s reaction to seeing her unborn sister’s ultrasound WILL make you cry

HEARTWARMING footage of a two-year-old girl crying after seeing her unborn sister for the first time has gone viral.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Emotional toddler sees scan of baby sister for first time

Myla I’Anson from Nottingham was caught hugging and kissing the TV screen after her parents showed her footage from their 16-week 3D scan. This comes after an images went viral of the first ever gorilla to be born by C-section in the UK. 

In the video, the tot struggles to contain her joy, and as she’s overcome with emotion she bursts into tears and says: “I love my baby sister” and “I miss her” 

The cute moment was posted on Facebook on Wednesday by mum Carly Tansley and has had 123,000 views. 

One Facebook user said: “Omg how cute is she. That’s got to be the beautifulest thing I’ve seen.”


Myla's reaction will melt your heart

Another user said: “Myla is such a lil cutie and will make an amazing lil sister. Can’t stop watching it. Makes me cry every time. So happy for you all.”

The 27-year-old mum said Myla has always been adamant they were having a baby girl as she’s always wanted a sister. 

She said: “She’s a proper girly girl and she loves all of her princesses and everything pink. 

“I will definitely show her the video when they’re fighting and pulling each other’s hair.” 


Myla's mum Carly said she wasn't expecting her daughter's reaction

The CCTV advisor added she really wasn’t expecting her daughter’s reaction, but said on Facebook she was glad everyone got to see a snippet of what an “amazing caring little girl” they have.

She said: “It made me well-up, but I was laughing too because it really affected her. It was heart-warming. She is quite an emotional child.

“She’s already decided she’s going to give up her dummies to give them to her. She’s keeping and saving lots of things and toys to give to her when she’s born. 

“She’s also decided to call her Snow White. It was Aurora last week so we’ll probably have to name her Ariel or Elsa next week.” 


Myla always wanted a little sister

Dad Chris, 27, a car fitter, added: “It pulls at your heart strings a little bit. We had been waiting for about a month to find out what we were having and Myla was always adamant it was a girl. 

“She decided she needed a sister to dress up as a Disney princess. We did have  chat about how she’d react if we were having a boy but it just would’ve meant that he’d have to play princesses with her at some point in his life.”

The scan was taken by Window to the Womb in Bramcote which offers non-diagnostic 3D and 4D ultrasound scans . 

Manager Julie Bowbanks said: “It was a beautiful moment enjoyed by the entire family that captured the first tears of sibling love.”

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