What is the FODMAP diet? Everything YOU need to know

THE FODMAP diet is frequently discussed, but often people are confused about the details of the food plan.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


What is the FODMAP diet?

In a nutshell, FODMAPs are certain types of carbohydrates (sugars) that are not broken down and absorbed by the small intestine. 

Passing through to the bowel undigested, they are rapidly fermented by gut bacteria, draw in fluid and produce gas. 

The terms stands for Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols.

Diarrhoea can occur because the amount of water in the colon increases. 


Most FODMAPs are poorly absorbed but only some people develop the symptoms of IBS

Most FODMAPs are poorly absorbed but only some people develop the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 

The concept of the low-FODMAP diet was developed in 2005 by researchers at Monash University in Australia. 

It’s been advocated across the globe to treat people suffering with IBS or similar symptoms and involves virtually eliminating foods containing the offending ingredients. 

What are high FODMAP foods?


FODMAPs can cause diarrhoea

Food frowned upon in the first phase of the diet include onions, mushrooms, past made from wheat and bread mad from wheat, rye or barley. 

Apples, pears, peaches and natural sugar syrups such as honey should also be avoided. 

But foods like meat, fish, potatoes and tomatoes are fine to eat. 

How do I cut out FODMAPs?


Mushrooms are frowned upon in the first phase of the diet

Most people will be advised to avoid all FODMAPs at first, but it is important not to go on a complete elimination diet without consulting a registered dietitian. 

In some people, fructose and lactose are not poorly absorbed and do not cause symptoms so they can carry on eating them. 

It is possible to determine wether or not this is the case for you by taking a breath test. 

Ask your GP or dietitian is this can be done before your diet begins. Fruit and low-fat diary products contain key nutrients so they should not be cut out unnecessarily. 


Fish gets the thumbs up

Experts advise you follow the diet for at least eight weeks, during which time your symptoms should lessen or even disappear. If they don’t it may be that FODMAPs are not the issue and you may need to discuss options such as medication with your GP or dietitian. 

But these foods should’t be avoided for ever.

The goal is to reintroduce the FODMAPs one by one to identify your own tolerance. 

Your dietitian will provide you with advice to help you with this process. 

This can be a lengthy process but if it reduces or eliminates IBS most people would agree that it’s worth it. 

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