Woman ADDICTED to Diet Coke ditched habit to transform into bodybuilder

A YOUNG woman who once lived off Diet Coke and coffee to aid weight loss made a dramatic change to her lifestyle after falling pregnant with her son.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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The mum of one knew she had to make the lifestyle change for her son

Maggie Lane, 25, used to only allow herself one 500 calorie meal and four cans of Diet Coke a day, leaving her with a skeletal frame.

The mother-of-one from Perth, Western Australia, also endured an intense work out every day to burn off the minuscule amount of calories she had eaten.

But when Maggie fell pregnant in 2012 with son Noah, she continued to diet, which alarmed doctors.

Maggie knew she needed to change her ways in a desperate bid to become a good role model for her unborn son. This comes after an exclusive on the secret sugars in dates and green juices.

A good fiend of Maggie’s introduced her to weight lifting, and since then, she has taken part in six competitions and has been crowned champion.

To be able to endure the tough exercise, Maggie now also eats over 3000 calories a day and weights 11 stone - three stone more than before.

She hope to inspire other women to make healthy changes to their lifestyle.

Maggie, who works in food promotions, said: “Looking back at photos now, I can see how unhealthy I was, my body was constantly exhausted and I relied on caffeine for energy.


Maggie discovered weightlifting soon after she gave birth to Noah

“I soon realised my lifestyle needed to change, I wasn’t thinking about myself anymore, I needed to be healthy for my baby.

“I started eating three meals per day and I stopped being over strict with carbohydrates and sugary snacks.

“But I still wasn’t happy, I felt depressed and frustrated but my life changed forever when a friend introduced weight training to me at the gym.

“Once Noah was born I was able to start lifting heavy weights and before I knew it, I was entering bodybuilding competitions.”

Bodybuilder Caters

Maggie has since taken part six bodybuilding competitions and has been crowned champion

Now Maggie is happier than ever before with her body both mentally and physically.

She no longer judges herself on the scales anymore or allows society to make her feel worthless.

She said: “I was aspiring to all the models and super thin celebrities but I no longer feel those pressures and I’m happy in my own skin.

“I want to show other young people that you do not need to conform to what society says eating healthily is for yourself and will make you feel 100 times better.”

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