Woman nicknamed ‘fish girl’ at school risks SKIN CANCER to have clear skin

A WOMAN who has battled psoriasis for 16 years says she spends hours in tanning booths in a desperate bid for a clear complexion, despite the risk she could get skin cancer.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Georgia has suffered with the condition since she was seven

When Georgia Crowther, 23, of Enfield, north London, was seven years old, “ugly” red sores sprang up across her body overnight, and gradually the marks covered 95 per cent of her body, leaving only her feet and hands clear. 

Although she'a tried a string of cures over the years, the only thing that has had an affect is lengthy sunbed sessions. 

Georgia said she's aware of the risk of skin cancer - but does not care. 

She said: “I look at the risks of skin cancer and I don’t care because it makes me happy to have my skin clear. That’s how much psoriasis affects me.

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Georgia has found the only answer to her problem is sunbeds

“I know it’s so stupid - I know the risks of sunbathing and tanning salons. 

“I have spent a lot of time in the sun as well as my family lives in Spain, and every summer I’d visit and sunbathe to help my skin.” 

Recent tests show a streptococcal infection - a severe throat infection - was the trigger of Georgia’s psoriasis. 

Many people who suffer from her type of psoriasis also battle with tonsillitis, and the connection between the two conditions is well documented. 

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Georgia doesn't care about the risks of skin cancer

Georgia recalled: “I just woke up one morning and I had red spots covering my body. It got worse and worse. 

“My dermatologist said he had never seen a case like mine. It was like someone had taken a red felt tip pen and drawn all over me.”

At the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead, north London, Georgia was given multiple treatments to ease her skin, including nurses of phototherapy, kinesiology - the study of the mechanics of body movements - and a range of different dairy and gluten-free diets. 

But her condition worsened, and eventually she forced to take weeks off school because wearing her uniform would rub against the raw flesh. 

When she did attend, she was taunted by cruel jibes from classmates who nicknamed her “fish girl” because her skin was covered in scaly red marks. 

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Psoriasis really affects Georgia's confidence and causes her great discomfort

The only respite for her symptoms seems to come from sunbeds, so Georgia has now had three one-hour sessions. 

She said: “I want to show people what it’s like to deal with this on a day-to-day basis. Sleep can be a nightmare because it’s so itchy. It keeps me up all night. 

“People stay at it all the time. It really affects my confidence. Sometimes I feel I have to explain my condition to strangers because they stare. 

“I can’t believe an infection I had when I was seven still affects me today.” 

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