Human ‘airbag’ who weighed 34 stone reveals how her WEIGHT saved her life

JEN SHEEHAN, who ought to have died after crashing her van into a traffic light, was told by doctors her weight saved her life.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

FattyPA Real Life

Human airbag

Jen, from Sydney, Australia, used to gorge on at least two whole chickens in a single meal and enjoyed ice-cream and chocolate syrup for breakfast. At her heaviest the brunette weighed a whopping 34 stone.

Jen was badly injured in the crash which happened in 2016, but although her weight saved her life, it made going under aesthetic incredibly dangerous. 

She’d also developed a flesh-eating bug in her leg - which maggots feasted on. 

Jen survived the surgery and subsequent infection, and her brush with death proved the inspiration she needed to lose 22 stone, going from a size 38 to size 12. 

She said: “I was a big kid. But it was in high school that my weight really soared. I was 12 years old, weight 15 stone and was a size 18. I was faced with a level of cruel bullying that I never knew was even possible.” 

In 2005, aged 25 and weighing 32 stone, Jen had a stroke in her sleep - triggered by a hole in her heart which, worsened by her weight, had allowed a blood clot to travel from her leg to her brain. 

She recovered with minimal side effect but still continued to weight. 

But in September 2006, when she weighed more than 34 stone, she was in the crash that changed her life. 

She said: “I was left fighting for my life. I was driving a van and upon impact the vehicle crumbled in on me and literally sliced my right leg open, deep enough that my bone was exposed. 

“One of my toes had been so badly crushed it ended up being amputated. 

Human airbag PA Real Life

Jen married Ron 24 months after meeting him in real life

“My left leg was trapped and I had parts of my van sliced near my left knee.

“I was told my weight saved my life. My body literally acted as an airbag. 

“But despite this it was the wake-up call I needed. I was determined to lose weight.”

When recovering from a major infection in her leg, which became infested with maggots, Jen started playing games on Facebook and found a worthy opponent in her now husband, Ron, who she did not know in real life at the time. 

She said: “One game turned into two, the three and then up to around 20.

“This man was the motivation I needed to takeout next step and get rid of the walker and get back on my feet. Within a couple of months we had decided that it was time for us to meet up. I needed a change of scenery and told him I would go to him in Canada. 

Human airbag PA Real Life

Jen with Ron: she can now walk independently without walking aids and works out six times a week

Jen found the motivation to be more physical, and 24 months after their first meeting in October 2010, the two married in her hometown. 

Jen weighed 20 stone on her wedding day, and still struggling with her weight at the beginning of 2015 she decided to have a gastric sleeve. 

Jen, who now helps people return to employment, now weighs 12 stone - though her dramatic transformation has left her around a stone of saggy skin. 

But the 36-year-old has since had three-quarters of her stomach removed, and can now only eat tiny morsels. 

She said: “Since losing the weight I can now walk independently without any walking aids. Not only can I walk I have joined a gym and work out six days a week. These are things I never imagined I would ever be able to do.” 

This comes after a mum ditched her daily loaf of bread habit to lose four stone. 

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