Is THIS the world’s longest receipt? Shopper given 5m long receipt after spending just £51

A SHOPPER buying fabric was stunned after she was handed a ludriciously long receipt which was five metres long.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

The Range SWNS

Kerry's receipt, annoyingly, went through the till in individual 10cm increments

Kerry Brown, 32, went to The Range to buy 30m worth of textiles for her upcoming wedding to finance Mark Day. 

But bizarrely, the £50.97 worth of fabric went through the till in individual 10cm increments - leaving Kerry with the whopping receipt. 

Mike posted a video of the mammoth slip on Instagram, saying: “Ouch. @therangeuk put through 30m of material in 10cm increments. Longest receipt ever. #long” 

And the couple even have two receipts - as the shop gave them an identical one to pick the material up with. 

The Range SWNS

When Kerry and Mike laid out the receipts flat they were the length of their front room

When laid flat out, the receipts stretch the length of their front room. 

Mike, 35 a digital marketing manager from Cheltenham, said: “We tried to measure it and the tape measure wasn’t big enough. 

“The shop were really nice about it to be fair. I don’t think we can believe the interest in a receipt.” 

Kerry got the monster receipt after visiting the store last Saturday. 

The Range GETTY

All Kerry wanted was some fabric for her wedding

Mirror online reported that Kerry went to the till to order 30 metres of the material, as they didn’t have it all in stock, and that’s when the computer started to malfunction. 

She said: “I believe it was something to do with the fact that the material was on offer but they had to put it through 10cm at a time. 

“The PC started to have a bit of meltdown and froze - we were waiting there for half an hour. When the receipt eventually printed it took about 30 seconds.” 

The staff at The Range have apologised to Kerry by offering her some discounted items. 

The Range GETTY

The Range say the fault on the tills is due to be repaired

She said: “They were pretty shocked. I don’t think it’s something they see very often. 

“They were so apologetic, I think if I had stayed there any longer they would have carted me off to the staff room to give me a cup of tea.”

On Wednesday, Kerry went back to the store to pick up the material she’d ordered and was told by staff the fault on the tills was due to be repaired. 

This comes after another shopper’s receipt appeared to sum up the struggles of parenthood. 

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