Husband going on holiday forgot about his wife and boarded the plane WITHOUT her

WE’VE all made simple mistakes such as forgetting where you put your phone down, where you last had the car keys or even setting your alarm for work the next day.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


Could you forget your husband or wife?

But one ashamed husband made one shameful error, and forgot about his wife when boarding a flight to the holiday they’d planned to go together on as an 80th birthday present from his family. 

Carolyn Hunter and her husband Maurice appeared on today’s This Morning and retold their holiday drama. 

The couple, who have been happily married for 47 years, were at Stanstead Airport ready to board their flight to Spain when Maurice decided he would make a quick trip to the toilet. 

Carolyn agreed with her husband she would wait while he went, and that he would come and find her and then board the plane together. 

But when Maurice came out of the toilets, he said he started to get angry as he couldn’t find her anywhere

Carolyn said: “He never appeared. So I sent someone to look for him in the toilets but he wasn’t there. 


Maurice and Carolyn retold their story on This Morning

“I thought, we’re really not going to get this plane.” 

Maurice went to the toilets just less than an hour before the plane was due to depart. 

And he had other thoughts running through his mind when he couldn’t find Carolyn. 

He said: “I couldn’t see her when I got out the toilet, she’d obviously moved. 

“I looked at my watch and thought the gates close soon, so I’d better get on the plane. She’s probably already on it.” 

The couple actually had separate seats booked because Maurice, at 6’’4, needed to book extra leg room. 


Poor Carolyn was left stranded in London

Maurice boarded the plane and then thought he’d better look for his wife. 

He said: “I saw a woman with dark hair and glasses and she waved, so I presumed that was Carolyn.”

When Maurice arrived in Spain, he was one of the first people off so walked off and waited to be joined by Carolyn. 

But when Carolyn never appeared he thought something was wrong or that she was ill. 

Speaking with a Spanish airport worker, Maurice learnt his wife was fine, but that she was still in London. 

He said: “Worried is probably the best word to describe my reaction and slightly apprehensive of what might be waiting for me back in London.” 


The couple did manage to go on a holiday - to stay in their caravan in Whitstable

Maurice managed to get on the same plane back to London to find Carolyn, who had been stuck in the airport for more than 10 hours. 

While Carolyn was back in London she had customer service workers at Stanstead Airport help her look for Maurice, and after a short while she was met with the news he was “up in the air”. 

Fortunately, the couple were able to make the most of the slip up and ended up instead holidaying in Whitstable where they have a caravan. 

Many people watching This Morning found the Hunter’s story hilarious. 

One person who contacted the show said: “I’m sure my husband would love to use this excuse.” 

Another added, referring to Maurice’s actions, said: “You were obviously making this, you just left anyway.”

This comes after a couple's dog was put on "death row" after being mistaken for a pit bull terrier

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