Are coffee cups REALLY recyclable? Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall kick-starts new campaign

MANY of us have been led to believe the paper coffee cups we drink out of our recyclable, but waste warrior Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has returned to our screens once again in Hugh’s War on Waste to show us this isn’t the case.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Why paper cups aren't recyclable

On tonight’s episode, Hugh revealed we throw away a staggering 2.5 billion cups in a single year. 

But what actually happens with these cups after we bin them?

Hugh took to the high street to ask take-to-go-coffee drinkers if they recycle their paper cup when they’re finished. 

All the people aged said yes, saying that because it’s a “paper cup” they know it can be recycled. 


The UK throws away 2.5 billion cups in a single year

But when Hugh looked in a public bin, what was inside suggested otherwise. 

Hugh came to the conclusion: “The general public are determined to recycle their coffee cups, they believe they can be recycled, but this suggests that they can’t.” 

It is commonly assumed that paper coffee cups can be given a new lease of life, but Huge met up with a packaging expert to find out something shocking. 

One of first problems revealed was coffee cups are made from cardboard with polyethylene on it. 


It turns out most coffee cups on the high street aren't recyclable



This keeps the cup waterproof, but the problem comes when it goes into the recycling stream, it doesn’t allow the cup to be recycled. 

Coffee cups also have to be made out of virgin materials, which means chopping down new trees as some of the inks contained in finished coffee cups would contaminate food. 

Another unknown fact is that the symbol which most people would associated with recycling, doesn’t actually stand for recycling. 

The symbol is often a way of informing you what material the object is made out of. 


Hugh's 'wake up and smell the waste' battle bus

Quite often with coffee cups on the high street, the cup’s sleeve is recyclable but the cup isn’t. 

Hugh said: It appears the public don’t think there’s a problem which is why the public aren’t asking for a solution.”  

Seven million cups are being binned every single day and Hugh wants to stress that coffee shops on the high street are putting out false claims about how recyclable their cups really are. 

He’s now looking for a response from the big three coffee shops - Costa, Starbucks and Caffe Nero - to help change this, but also hopes to get the support of the public behind him.

To join in Hugh's campaign, tweet the big coffee chains 'Wake up and smell the waste - we want cups that can actually be recycled NOW' with #waste not. 

This comes after cockroach milk was named the superfood of the future. 

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