Gym comes under fire for its latest advertising billboard - are YOU offended?

A GYM’S latest attempt to encourage more people to join has created a huge stir online.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

GymMan in Black/Twitter/Getty

Fit4Less in Sawley, Derbyshire has come under scrutiny again

Fit4Less, a gym chain based in Sawley, Derbyshire, has put up a new advertising billboard which reads, ‘Tired of being…Fat & Ugly? Just be ugly at Fit4Less’. 

But this isn’t the first time the gym has put up a controversial poster. 

This comes after a violent gang soon regretted attacking a boy when an old man swooped in and leaved them floored

In April the gym was asked to remove a billboard which showed a UFO beaming someone up, with the words, ‘they’ll take the dat ones first’. 

Gym Man in Black/Twitter

Charity Combat Bullying is unhappy with both the gym's latest adverts

Anti-bullying charity Combat Bullying slammed the poster at the time, and the charity’s founder Natalie Harvey has voiced a distaste on Twitter for the gym’s latest advert. 

She tweeted: “Where is the @therealbanksy when you need him?! Would love some positive helpful art to cover this filth up!” 

She also told the BBC: “I don’t understand why we are using these kinds of advertising. It’s almost like shaming people.” 

Natalie also added the new poster could impact young or vulnerable people. 


The gym's previous advertising billboard

She added: “If it’s near a pub or where adults frequent I’m not bothered, but it’s  big poster outside a family supermarket.” 

But other people haven’t found the advert as offensive. 

One user on Twitter said: “Just brilliant. Perfect marketing. Society is just too sensitive.” 

Another said: “Such a shame we live in a world where people get so offended! #fir4less advert is funny! It aims at no particular person.” 


Fit4Less in Sawley

The gym said in a statement: “Fit4less is a brand that doesn’t take itself too seriously, the campaign is intended to be seen as light-hearted fun and we certainly don’t mean to cause offence. 

“By adopting a light-hearted approach we can reach a wider audience and gain the attention of people who wouldn’t usually a respond to traditional gym advertising.” 

Long Eaton club manager Kerry told the Derby Telegraph: “It’s obviously humorous, it’s got a great, fluffy, Shrek-y teddy bear on it. 

“It’s supposed to be eye-catching, it’s supposed to get people talking about fitness and if people come down, they will see all shapes and sizes - we’re friendly and fun.” 

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