Mum jumps for joy at sending kids back to school after summer in EMBARRASSING photoshoot

ALL PARENTS will relate to this one mum and how she felt after the summer holidays ended and it was time for her children to go back to school.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

MumKeshia Leeann Gardner/Facebook

One mum decided to share her glee with the world

After what feels like months rather than weeks of trying to keep bored children entertained during the long summer break, any tired mother would be excited and relieved for the new school term to begin. 

Keshia Leeann Gardner, from Alabama, was much more excited than the typical mum, and decided to display her joy in a series of photographs as she waved her children back off to school. 

The gleeful mum posted the pictures to Facebook with the caption: “Happy first day of school, kids. I’m gonna miss y’all.

“Please help me share this with other parents that need a good laugh!” 

MumKeshia Leeann Gardner/Facebook

Keshia shared the snaps on Facebook

In the photos, Keshia jumps across the camera screen with her arms in the air while her children stand behind her with mixed emotions. 

Her two older sons look less than impressed, one even hanging his head in shame, but the other three look very amused by her actions. 

The photos have been shared on Facebook more than 260,000 times 

Other mums commented sharing their own experiences. 

MumKeshia Leeann Gardner

Keshia's kids showed mixed reactions to the photos

One wrote: “The first day back at school in our house is referred to as Mother’s Day.”

Another said: “You did what all parents were thinking.”

While some mums are happy to get rid of their kids for some deserved alone time, others, particularly those who have children going to school for the first time, can be filled with feelings of anxiety. 

Watching your kid of to school for the first time is a big event in any parent’s life. 


Other mums said Keshia did exactly what all parents were thinking

But one mum from Hamilton County in Ohio, USA might think twice about letting her children attend one particularly school. 

The mum shared a picture of a flyer she received for a prospective pre school, but revealed her disappointment

She said the flyer, titled ‘Is your child ready for Kindergarten?’ “failed to prepare my son for Kindergarten”. 

Amongst questions such as ‘can he or she write their name’ and ‘can they hold a pencil the correct way?’, one question left the concerned mum stumped. 

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