Woman nicknamed ‘GODZILLA’ by school bullies is now successful plus size model

A WOMAN who spent years being taunted over her weight by school bullies who nicknamed her ‘Godzilla’ has now found success in the modelling world.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


Emma Winslade ballooned to a size 20 in her early teens

Emma Winslade, who is 5ft 11in tall, ballooned to a size 20 in her early teens, earning her the cruel nickname with her tormentors, who even made her a fake coupon or free liposuction. 

This comes after Iskra Lawrence told This Morning how she learnt to love her size 14 curves.

But the 26-year-old, of Croydon, London, dealt with the nasty put-downs by comfort eating, which only saw her pile on the pounds. 

When Emma began studying theatre and performance at a college in Kent at the age of 16, the pressure of being in front of the camera saw her starve herself and she dropped five dress sizes in nine months. 

Fortunately for Emma, meeting now-husband Chris Winslade at 17 gave her the confidence to start eating again, and she says she is now completely comfortable and happy in her size 16 body. 


Emma dropped to a size 10 in nine months at college

She is now shutting down the haters who “drove her crazy” at school, as she is not only a successful plus size model, but Miss British Beauty Curve of 2016. 

She said: “Growing up in school I got called names and picked on. They called me all sorts but the most common one was Godzilla. The bullies even made me a coupon for liposuction. 

“They would just taunt me constantly - it drove me crazy and it really knocked my confidence. 

“Some people might be inspired to start exercising and lose loads of weight but I went the opposite way and just ate more and more for comfort. 


When Chris came along Emma put the weight back on but this time felt some new found confidence

“Then I got to collage and was in a more adult environment where nobody picked on me. I started eating healthy and exercising but I went too far. 

“Then Chris came along. I was a size 10 when I met him and still thought I was fat but he told me he would always love me no matter what. 

“It gave me so much confidence and I started to put weight back on.”

The confidence Emma has gained during their relationship saw her take the plunge and launch her own modelling career in 2013. 


In 2013 Emma took the plunge and launched her modelling career

Emma posted a profile online and within three weeks had four jobs lined up - and she is now hoping to sign with an agency and swap from freelancing to full-time modelling. 

Emma said: “I wish I could go back to people at school and be like “look at what I’ve achieved”. Even though i didn’t do it for them it does feel food to kind of stick my middle finger up at the bullies. 

“I really try to promote body confidence now and show other people they shouldn’t let anyone make them feel unhappy in their own bodies. 

“If you get knocked down, come back fighting. When you work at it, you can achieve anything.” 

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