Why YOU find it so hard to get to sleep on a Sunday night and how to combat it

ALMOST worse than the Monday Blues, the feeling on a Sunday night dread is enough to keep anyone awake at night.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


Struggling to sleep on a Sunday night is a common condition

But what’s the actually science behind us not being able to get forty winks on a Sunday evening? And is there anything to do to help you nod off?

Research carried out by Monster discovered 62 per cent of people surveyed across the world admit to having “really bad” Sunday night blues. 

But the problem is common and a well-known issue, according to sleep expert Dr Raj Dasgupta, who’s part of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and assistant professor of clinical medicine at the University of Southern California. 

He told The Sun: "Difficulty falling asleep on Sundays is nothing new.”


Not being able to sleep on a Sunday night has been linked to 'social jet lag'

Although there’s no official name for the condition, it’s believed to be linked to ‘social jet lag’. 

Late nights and lie ins can have a big affect on your body’s internal clock. 

Michael Breus, a certified sleep specialist and also part oft the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, said going to bed late and sleeping in two days in a row triggers “Sunday night insomnia”. 

Staying out late on a Friday and Saturday night drinking also won’t help. 


62 per cent of people across the world admit to having “really bad” Sunday night blues

Dr Dasgupta said it also suppresses the body’s release of the anti-diuretic hormone ADH, which makes you need to go to the toilet more often. 

These impact on your quality of sleep meaning you wake up later and feel far from refreshed. 

The stress of Monday morning also adds to “Sunday night insomnia”. 

Dr Dasgupta said: “Whether you’re a student worrying about tests, a parent taking care of your kids, or working a 9-to-5, stress if a factor for pretty much anyone.” 


Staying out late on a Friday and Saturday night drinking also won’t help

When your body is stressed it releases a hormone named cortisol, which naturally interrupts your sleep. 

So how can you ensure for a better sleep and a stress-free Sunday night?

A couple of ways to ensure an easy sleep is to stick to a sleep schedule, avoid napping and going to bed too early, avoid caffeine, put your phone away and get some exercise. 

Researchers have also suggested sticking on some comedy, as watching a funny programme is three times more effective at reducing anxiety than just sitting and resting.

This comes after it was revealed you can live five years longer and prevent tooth decay by kissing. 

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