Men and women who own THIS pet make the most romantic partners

IF YOUR marriage has hit a rough patch, you better hope you’re married to someone who owns THIS pet.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


Dog owners are apparently the most romantic partners

According to new research, dog owners are as loyal as they come. 

Not only have they been proven to be happier and healthier, but a dog’s qualities, such as loyalty and unconditional love, are often reflected in their owner. 

But it’s also been discovered that cat owners are among the least faithful. 

The study was carried out by dating website, who found that just 10 per cent of more than 700 members surveyed owned dogs - making dog owners the most faithful pet owners in the UK.


A dog's qualities are often reflected in the owner

On the other hand, as many as 25 per cent owned cats, with 16 per cent owning fish, 13 per cent owning hamsters or gerbils, 11 per cent owning rabbits and another 11 per cent owning reptiles. 

The site’s spokesperson, Christian Grant, explains: “There has already been a plethora of scientific studies that claim that owning a dog, or dogs, makes you happier and healthier, and now you can add loyalty to that list. 

“It’s an interesting, if not unexpected result. 

“Man’s best friend is the UK’s most popular pet, and has been for a very long time, but not among this particular community it seems. 


Cat owners are among the least faithful

“A dog’s qualities are usually reflected in their owner, and loyalty, unconditional love, friendship and a sense of protectiveness are qualities that everyone associates with canines regardless of their size, breed or gender. 

“By the same token, a cat’s loyalty is a little more unclear. 

“Often lazy, they’ve been known to drift to whomever is offering them more food, so it’s of little surprise to see that lack of loyalty reflected in our study.”

With that said, not every dog owner is squeaky clean, as Grant admits. 


Just 10 per cent of more than 700 members surveyed owned dogs

He added: “We’re not so foolish to say that every dog owner is the perfect human being - we can’t justify that sort of generalisation. 

“In fact, we’ve a couple of members who breed greyhounds for a living, while many work closely with dogs, be that as a vet, volunteer worker, dog or otherwise.” 

This comes after the age people feel their life is finally under control was revealed. 

The study was carried out by OnePoll, who fond out that settling down with a loved one, paying off debts and being happy with your job are all part of feeling satisfied. 

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