When and what you should be eating to get the most out of YOUR workout

GETTING into a regular exercise routine is one thing, but managing what food you eat and when you eat before and after a workout is just as important.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


What you eat before and after a workout and when is very important

Pre-workout nutrition is crucial for providing fuel for the workout itself. 

Without proper fuel you are likely to feel pretty weak, unmotivated, and often dizzy or nauseous. 

Post-workout, recovery is your main aim and you want to do this as fast as you can. 

Therefore your post-workout meal is arguably your most important of the day. 

Chris Wharton, director of Better Body Group, reveals some basic guidelines to make sure you get the most out of your training, without feeling like you’re about to collapse at your desk come lunchtime. 

When it comes to pre-workout meals, not eating the right type of volume of food will increase muscle glycogen depletion, protein breakdown and post training cortisol levels, according to Chris. 

He said: “In other words, your session will feel much harder than it should and will be far less effective. 

“Protein is great for increasing muscle synthesis, increasing out workout calorie burn and speeding up recovery. It also makes you feel fuller and more satisfied.”


A handful of nuts is a good source of protein

Chicken breasts, turkey breasts, a handful of nuts or a whey protein shake are all good protein options. 

Carbohydrates, in the form of potatoes (both white and sweet), wholemeal bread, brown rice, bananas or mixed berries, are also key.

Chris said: “A mix of carbohydrates - both complex and simple carbs - provide you with a slow and steady release of energy throughout your workout while adding an extra kick of energy to begin with.” 

Fitness fanatic Chris also offers up some example pre-workout meal ideas, in case you’re feeling stuck. 

For morning workouts, try either greek yoghurt and mixed berries, wholemeal toast with side banana and peanut butter, rolled oats and whey protein or apple slices with almond butter. 

For lunchtime or evening workouts, try chicken breast with rice and mixed veg, a turkey sandwich with wholemeal bread, whey protein with banana or tuna and sweet potato. 

How much food you should eat largely depends on your goal. 

Chris said: “If you are looking to lose body fat, I would recommend consuming 0.2g per pound of your target body weight in protein and 0.3g per pound of target body weight in carbohydrate. 


Sweet potatoes are a good source of carbohydrates

“If your goal is to build muscle, I would use the same protocol but calculate it using your current body weight instead of your target weight. 

“For example, if you want to lose fat and weight 150lb (around 10.5 stone), your pre workout meal should contain 30g of protein and 45g of carbs. 

When it comes to how long before your workout you should eat, you should aim to consume your pre workout meal around 60-90 minutes before training. 

A minimum of an hour will give you enough time to digest the majority of your meal before cracking on - although sometimes this differs for different people.

Post workout, eating the right foods will help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, replenish muscle glycogen, reduce muscle breakdown, increase protein synthesis and reduce cortisol levels. 

Chris said: “In other words, it will provide your body with everything it needs to repair, recover and rebuild. 

“Once again, your body only really needs two things which will aid recover - protein, to help build and repair muscle, and carbohydrates, to replenish good glycogen and enhance the role of insulin in transporting nutrients into cells. 

How much you eat straight after a workout depends largely on preference but the timing of this meal is important. 


Don't miss the window to eat something after your workout

Chris said: “The time immediately post-workout is often referred to as ‘the window of opportunity’ during which your body is primed to accept nutrients essential for muscle growth, repair and recovery. The window opens straight after you put down your last dumbbell and closes pretty quickly. Aim to eat something within 30 minutes of exercise if possible, failing that within 60 minutes.” 

For those who can’t stomach much straight after a workout try either a whey protein shake with banana, chocolate milk or rice cakes with almost or peanut butter. 

For those who’d prefer to sit down and enjoy a meal, try chicken breast with white rice, turkey breast and jacket potato and mixed veg, a Spanish omelette or tuna, pasta and mixed veg. 

Unless you’re heading to an ultra endurance event or marathon, Chris advises you should stick to these guidelines. 

He adds: “Fat has been getting lots of praise in the media recently (the ‘good’ fats anyway). In this case however, fat considerably slows down digestion, which is not ideal for pre or post workout. Try and get most of your fats in during other meals.” 

Workout nutrition doesn’t really differ for men or women, but it’s more important to measure intake based on overall body weight and goal than your gender.

Chris said: “Focus on getting in a good amount of protein and carbohydrate either side of your workout as part of an overall daily target and you are on to a winner.”

This comes after it was revealed the safest way to curb your caffeine addiction. 

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