Suffering from SAGGY earlobes? Expert explains why popular procedure EARTOX is the answer 

EARLOBES can experience the same skin ageing effects as the rest of the face, but increasingly popular procedure ’eartox’ can make a positive difference, according to Dr Kathryn Barnes. 

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


Eartox can make a positive difference according to Dr Kathryn Barnes

The procedure, which could be described as Botox for ears, has become increasingly popular over the last few years. 

Made available in the UK three years ago, eartox's growing popularity is apparently down to people becoming more aware of the effect ears can have on their appearance. 

Dr Barnes said: “Like the eyebrows, a small tweak can make a positive difference. 

“When we are looking at somebody face-on, it is like viewing a picture and we should be aware that the ears frame the face.”

Dr Barnes explained there are two reasons patients are increasingly seeking the procedure - for its anti-ageing results and to fix damage caused by poor fitting earrings. 


The procedure is best suited to people looking for an anti-ageing remedy

She explained how the procedure works: “Similar to facial injections, an initial consultation takes place. 

“The area is examined to see where the volume loss is greatest and which area needs improving. 

“I discuss the different fillers we can use and together we decide on the best product. 

“I am seeing fantastic results with the new range of Neauvia hyaluronic acid fillers as it is versatile and mouldable, causing less inflammation on injection compared to other fillers on the market.”

The treatment itself is said to be well tolerated and only takes 20 minutes, and patients are then recommended to apply antiseptic, as well as not to wear earrings for a week after.


Before and after a procedure


Before a procedure

The results last for more than three years and treatments cost between £250 and £500. 

Dr Barnes mentioned there is one negative side effect.  She said: “With eartox, the ears can go red and swell for a few days. 

“However, with the range of Neauvia fillers this is less likely to happen due to its unique cross-linking agent which promotes less inflammation.” 

Sun exposure is a massive factor for ageing and people often forget to put sun protection creams on their ears. 

But Dr Barnes said following procedures she’s always delighted to hear patients report back saying they have started to wear sunscreen on their ears daily. 


After the procedure

She said: “Patients enjoy the immediate results and the facial confidence it gives them. 

“After the procedure many patients start wearing their hair and behind their ears.” 

The NHS recommends people are well-informed and 'certain' about why they want cosmetic injections before they get them. 

It adds the effect isn’t permanent, there’s no guarantee the desired effect will be achieved and the ageing process can still happen elsewhere. 

If people do choose to go ahead with the procedure, they should take the time to find a reputable practitioner who is properly qualified and practises in a clean, safe and appropriate environment. 

Think injections to stop sweating are the pits? Here's where the excess sweat really goes. 

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